Uc502 Geolux

Time Device Name Display Name Description Profile Name Application Gateway Instantaneous Speed Averaged Speed Tilt Angle Flow Direction Relative Signal Instantaneous Snr256 Instantaneous Snr Calculated Water Discharge Integer Calculated Water Discharge Decimal Distance To Water Surface Integer Distance To Water Surface Decimal Measured Water Level Integer Measured Water Level Decimal Level Sensor Snr Cross Section Area Integer Cross Section Area Decimal Payload Object Rx Info Lora Rssi Lora Snr Deduplication Id
2024-07-31 15:40:52 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 190.0 190.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 41,531 792.0 9,977 0.0 9,976 0.0 10752.0 257 50.0 {"chn_1": 190.0, "chn_2": 190.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 41531.0, "chn_8": 792.0, "chn_9": 9977.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9976.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 10752.0, "chn_14": 257.0, "chn_15": 50.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -8.5, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-07-31T15:40:52.470242+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "lWOTCA==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 36908, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406475670.470s"}] -102.0000 -8.5000 002807a0-485e-4aef-92ac-5f4a7871cc90
2024-07-31 15:30:53 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 212.0 212.0 46.0 1 85 1789.0 6.9900 46,404 113.0 9,977 0.0 9,977 0.0 9472.0 257 50.0 {"chn_1": 212.0, "chn_2": 212.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 85.0, "chn_6": 1789.0, "chn_7": 46404.0, "chn_8": 113.0, "chn_9": 9977.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9977.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9472.0, "chn_14": 257.0, "chn_15": 50.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -9.0, "rssi": -104, "time": "2024-07-31T15:30:53.117178+00:00", "context": "caowZw==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 28871, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406475071.117s"}] -104.0000 -9.0000 dea15e5c-ffb9-4b9c-bdac-82b2f7d4e953
2024-07-31 15:28:45 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 699.0 666.0 43.0 0 1,229 4533.0 17.7100 9,261 358.0 5,543 0.0 5,543 0.0 9984.0 17 115.0 {"chn_1": 699.0, "chn_2": 666.0, "chn_3": 43.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 1229.0, "chn_6": 4533.0, "chn_7": 9261.0, "chn_8": 358.0, "chn_9": 5543.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 5543.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9984.0, "chn_14": 17.0, "chn_15": 115.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -11.199999809265137, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-07-31T15:28:45.650842+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "ahE1ow==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 49456, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406474943.650s"}] -102.0000 -11.2000 f0bb038a-ec2c-40ed-8c90-f70fa4bcc0a8
2024-07-31 15:20:57 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 2.0 54.0 46.0 0 0 770.0 3.0100 13,173 800.0 9,979 0.0 9,978 0.0 10752.0 256 900.0 {"chn_1": 2.0, "chn_2": 54.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 770.0, "chn_7": 13173.0, "chn_8": 800.0, "chn_9": 9979.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9978.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 10752.0, "chn_14": 256.0, "chn_15": 900.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.5, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-07-31T15:20:57.927314+00:00", "channel": 2, "context": "TjBskg==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 20648, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406474475.927s"}] -102.0000 -6.5000 bf27c477-9007-4474-b0e4-34b62c478ae5
2024-07-31 15:10:56 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 409.0 363.0 46.0 1 66 770.0 3.0100 13,148 375.0 9,983 0.0 9,982 0.0 9472.0 256 600.0 {"chn_1": 409.0, "chn_2": 363.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 66.0, "chn_6": 770.0, "chn_7": 13148.0, "chn_8": 375.0, "chn_9": 9983.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9982.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9472.0, "chn_14": 256.0, "chn_15": 600.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.199999809265137, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-07-31T15:10:56.716929+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "KlqVKg==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 53759, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406473874.716s"}] -103.0000 -6.2000 1bab3563-2c96-414a-803b-58b325868325
2024-07-31 14:50:55 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 9,991 0.0 9,991 0.0 10240.0 255 925.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 0.0, "chn_8": 0.0, "chn_9": 9991.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9991.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 10240.0, "chn_14": 255.0, "chn_15": 925.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -7.5, "rssi": -104, "time": "2024-07-31T14:50:55.336624+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "4r/IDw==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 47754, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406472673.336s"}] -104.0000 -7.5000 3d46a998-6b79-491b-b04f-fad8d1a11027
2024-07-31 14:48:47 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 684.0 640.0 43.0 0 977 4658.0 18.2000 8,848 823.0 5,556 0.0 5,556 0.0 10240.0 16 972.0 {"chn_1": 684.0, "chn_2": 640.0, "chn_3": 43.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 977.0, "chn_6": 4658.0, "chn_7": 8848.0, "chn_8": 823.0, "chn_9": 5556.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 5556.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 10240.0, "chn_14": 16.0, "chn_15": 972.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -10.800000190734863, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-07-31T14:48:47.558113+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "2yH9MQ==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 13629, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406472545.558s"}] -102.0000 -10.8000 a4c75642-b570-4bf1-bf46-b1709f64fd95
2024-07-31 14:40:52 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 9,992 0.0 9,992 0.0 11264.0 255 850.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 0.0, "chn_8": 0.0, "chn_9": 9992.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9992.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 11264.0, "chn_14": 255.0, "chn_15": 850.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.800000190734863, "rssi": -101, "time": "2024-07-31T14:40:52.306045+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "vs4SZw==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 6184, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406472070.306s"}] -101.0000 -6.8000 cb9d5849-bc74-4664-83c4-61dcb4505cb4
2024-07-31 14:30:52 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1772.0 1772.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 56,984 468.0 10,000 0.0 10,000 0.0 9984.0 255 250.0 {"chn_1": 1772.0, "chn_2": 1772.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 56984.0, "chn_8": 468.0, "chn_9": 10000.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10000.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9984.0, "chn_14": 255.0, "chn_15": 250.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -10.0, "rssi": -104, "time": "2024-07-31T14:30:52.965012+00:00", "context": "mxTiQQ==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 41577, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406471470.965s"}] -104.0000 -10.0000 addbb857-a121-4e39-9145-0d394ac5130b
2024-07-31 14:28:46 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 727.0 695.0 43.0 0 871 4280.0 16.7200 9,547 591.0 5,563 0.0 5,563 0.0 9216.0 16 896.0 {"chn_1": 727.0, "chn_2": 695.0, "chn_3": 43.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 871.0, "chn_6": 4280.0, "chn_7": 9547.0, "chn_8": 591.0, "chn_9": 5563.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 5563.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9216.0, "chn_14": 16.0, "chn_15": 896.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -10.5, "rssi": -104, "time": "2024-07-31T14:28:46.031612+00:00", "channel": 7, "context": "k4P9DA==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 54095, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406471344.031s"}] -104.0000 -10.5000 ab2b657e-dfa6-4c23-af90-82cc5b0bf7d5
2024-07-31 14:20:55 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 47.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 9,997 0.0 9,997 0.0 9984.0 255 474.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 0.0, "chn_8": 0.0, "chn_9": 9997.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9997.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9984.0, "chn_14": 255.0, "chn_15": 474.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -8.800000190734863, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-07-31T14:20:55.311479+00:00", "channel": 1, "context": "d3VrGA==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 10014, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406470873.311s"}] -103.0000 -8.8000 49d7c67d-c0fa-4c76-a321-87fcc5b29091
2024-07-31 14:10:54 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 434.0 434.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 28,627 507.0 10,000 0.0 10,000 0.0 9984.0 255 324.0 {"chn_1": 434.0, "chn_2": 434.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 28627.0, "chn_8": 507.0, "chn_9": 10000.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10000.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9984.0, "chn_14": 255.0, "chn_15": 324.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -8.800000190734863, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-07-31T14:10:54.069625+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "U581wg==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 31543, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406470272.069s"}] -102.0000 -8.8000 4cefc34d-748a-4155-be70-6321e9558060
2024-07-31 14:00:54 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 140.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 32,610 503.0 9,997 0.0 9,997 0.0 9984.0 255 399.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 140.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 32610.0, "chn_8": 503.0, "chn_9": 9997.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9997.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9984.0, "chn_14": 255.0, "chn_15": 399.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -7.800000190734863, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-07-31T14:00:54.710403+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "L+UoNw==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 10005, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406469672.710s"}] -102.0000 -7.8000 948f4400-1db2-441b-aa2f-5e038a10c7cc
2024-07-31 13:48:45 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 568.0 543.0 43.0 0 1,018 4414.0 17.2400 7,373 572.0 5,570 0.0 5,570 0.0 9984.0 16 819.0 {"chn_1": 568.0, "chn_2": 543.0, "chn_3": 43.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 1018.0, "chn_6": 4414.0, "chn_7": 7373.0, "chn_8": 572.0, "chn_9": 5570.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 5570.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9984.0, "chn_14": 16.0, "chn_15": 819.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -9.199999809265137, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-07-31T13:48:45.984205+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "BHWLlA==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 44076, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406468943.984s"}] -103.0000 -9.2000 7456deef-e881-40fa-995d-b18710ba912f
2024-07-31 13:40:53 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 190.0 190.0 46.0 1 87 1221.0 4.7700 41,404 535.0 9,987 0.0 9,987 0.0 9728.0 256 225.0 {"chn_1": 190.0, "chn_2": 190.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 87.0, "chn_6": 1221.0, "chn_7": 41404.0, "chn_8": 535.0, "chn_9": 9987.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9987.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9728.0, "chn_14": 256.0, "chn_15": 225.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.800000190734863, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-07-31T13:40:53.444492+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "6EtNDA==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 24697, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406468471.444s"}] -103.0000 -6.8000 f34de1f5-474d-4db7-b443-22b8da15a0fd
2024-07-31 13:10:53 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 483.0 486.0 46.0 1 77 1221.0 4.7700 40,605 890.0 9,984 0.0 9,984 0.0 9472.0 256 449.0 {"chn_1": 483.0, "chn_2": 486.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 77.0, "chn_6": 1221.0, "chn_7": 40605.0, "chn_8": 890.0, "chn_9": 9984.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9984.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9472.0, "chn_14": 256.0, "chn_15": 449.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -9.0, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-07-31T13:10:53.412405+00:00", "channel": 6, "context": "fQDKrA==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 7862, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406466671.412s"}] -102.0000 -9.0000 4ff3de43-a816-485b-bc91-8b27465af0ce
2024-07-31 13:08:45 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 704.0 684.0 43.0 0 1,158 3952.0 15.4400 9,238 275.0 5,576 0.0 5,576 0.0 9472.0 16 754.0 {"chn_1": 704.0, "chn_2": 684.0, "chn_3": 43.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 1158.0, "chn_6": 3952.0, "chn_7": 9238.0, "chn_8": 275.0, "chn_9": 5576.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 5576.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9472.0, "chn_14": 16.0, "chn_15": 754.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -9.5, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-07-31T13:08:45.233520+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "dVzrbw==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 13965, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406466543.233s"}] -102.0000 -9.5000 1e1aafa4-5b8f-46a2-b83a-d8e4ea6357cf
2024-07-31 12:50:53 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 342.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 5,724 437.0 9,991 0.0 9,991 0.0 10496.0 255 925.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 342.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 5724.0, "chn_8": 437.0, "chn_9": 9991.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9991.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 10496.0, "chn_14": 255.0, "chn_15": 925.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.5, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-07-31T12:50:53.968261+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "NYLL+w==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 44351, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406465471.968s"}] -103.0000 -6.5000 7a5e8ce8-9c6a-4c18-90cf-6908f8945bac
2024-07-31 12:48:45 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 554.0 533.0 43.0 0 1,145 4392.0 17.1600 7,218 923.0 5,578 0.0 5,578 0.0 9984.0 16 732.0 {"chn_1": 554.0, "chn_2": 533.0, "chn_3": 43.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 1145.0, "chn_6": 4392.0, "chn_7": 7218.0, "chn_8": 923.0, "chn_9": 5578.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 5578.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9984.0, "chn_14": 16.0, "chn_15": 732.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -11.800000190734863, "rssi": -104, "time": "2024-07-31T12:48:45.854572+00:00", "channel": 7, "context": "Ld/6Rw==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 11500, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406465343.854s"}] -104.0000 -11.8000 821d4fbe-0747-4fb6-97b0-018e716f599a
2024-07-31 12:40:53 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 90.0 1564.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 25,413 812.0 9,995 0.0 9,995 0.0 10240.0 255 624.0 {"chn_1": 90.0, "chn_2": 1564.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 25413.0, "chn_8": 812.0, "chn_9": 9995.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9995.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 10240.0, "chn_14": 255.0, "chn_15": 624.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.5, "rssi": -101, "time": "2024-07-31T12:40:53.925248+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "Eb7yWg==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 42387, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406464871.925s"}] -101.0000 -6.5000 af2fc2de-416a-4b6e-943f-21d0f32259c3