Uc502 Geolux

Time Device Name Display Name Description Profile Name Application Gateway Instantaneous Speed Averaged Speed Tilt Angle Flow Direction Relative Signal Instantaneous Snr256 Instantaneous Snr Calculated Water Discharge Integer Calculated Water Discharge Decimal Distance To Water Surface Integer Distance To Water Surface Decimal Measured Water Level Integer Measured Water Level Decimal Level Sensor Snr Cross Section Area Integer Cross Section Area Decimal Payload Object Rx Info Lora Rssi Lora Snr Deduplication Id
2024-07-28 13:40:32 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 324.0 324.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 4,204 226.0 10,029 0.0 10,029 0.0 9728.0 253 79.0 {"chn_1": 324.0, "chn_2": 324.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 4204.0, "chn_8": 226.0, "chn_9": 10029.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10029.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9728.0, "chn_14": 253.0, "chn_15": 79.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.5, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-07-28T13:40:32.921664+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "v2+/8A==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 21321, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406209250.921s"}] -103.0000 -6.5000 f3583305-c4e8-42d5-b01f-2a630b7a7b3f
2024-07-28 13:30:34 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 96.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 20,461 39.0 10,030 0.0 10,030 0.0 9728.0 253 4.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 96.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 20461.0, "chn_8": 39.0, "chn_9": 10030.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10030.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9728.0, "chn_14": 253.0, "chn_15": 4.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low", "battery": 96.0} [{"snr": -7.5, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-07-28T13:30:34.777742+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "m8jmGA==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 60591, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406208652.777s"}] -102.0000 -7.5000 ab89e127-58b0-4607-9f6f-59e5181d9651
2024-07-28 13:28:39 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 826.0 801.0 43.0 0 2,975 5656.0 22.0900 11,170 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL {"chn_1": 826.0, "chn_2": 801.0, "chn_3": 43.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 2975.0, "chn_6": 5656.0, "chn_7": 11170.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -10.199999809265137, "rssi": -104, "time": "2024-07-28T13:28:39.457224+00:00", "channel": 7, "context": "lOk9Gg==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 14211, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406208537.457s"}] -104.0000 -10.2000 fb819868-165a-4b71-b269-c6cd67b6f3a4
2024-07-28 13:10:30 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 201.0 201.0 46.0 1 0 770.0 3.0100 43,289 66.0 10,029 0.0 10,029 0.0 9984.0 253 79.0 {"chn_1": 201.0, "chn_2": 201.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 770.0, "chn_7": 43289.0, "chn_8": 66.0, "chn_9": 10029.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10029.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9984.0, "chn_14": 253.0, "chn_15": 79.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.0, "rssi": -101, "time": "2024-07-28T13:10:30.377850+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "U/8OmA==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 14445, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406207448.377s"}] -101.0000 -6.0000 1523e502-e37e-4c65-be2b-7a185aae9ea8
2024-07-28 13:00:31 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 156.0 156.0 46.0 1 67 770.0 3.0100 33,704 101.0 10,027 0.0 10,028 0.0 10752.0 253 153.0 {"chn_1": 156.0, "chn_2": 156.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 67.0, "chn_6": 770.0, "chn_7": 33704.0, "chn_8": 101.0, "chn_9": 10027.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10028.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 10752.0, "chn_14": 253.0, "chn_15": 153.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.5, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-07-28T13:00:31.626777+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "ME5Gcg==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 61471, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406206849.626s"}] -103.0000 -6.5000 ed6a5868-3318-4097-8b22-c98d33c908b6
2024-07-28 12:50:34 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 9.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 1,978 443.0 10,023 0.0 10,023 0.0 9472.0 253 527.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 9.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 1978.0, "chn_8": 443.0, "chn_9": 10023.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10023.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9472.0, "chn_14": 253.0, "chn_15": 527.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.5, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-07-28T12:50:34.067310+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "DLBLgg==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 38091, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406206252.067s"}] -102.0000 -6.5000 d78ac43a-191c-4a0a-8bf3-d35b682f3f95
2024-07-28 12:48:37 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 603.0 573.0 43.0 0 1,411 4674.0 18.2600 7,868 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL {"chn_1": 603.0, "chn_2": 573.0, "chn_3": 43.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 1411.0, "chn_6": 4674.0, "chn_7": 7868.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -11.199999809265137, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-07-28T12:48:37.023231+00:00", "channel": 6, "context": "BbZgHg==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 33085, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406206135.023s"}] -102.0000 -11.2000 fab7dc42-7331-4ee5-86a0-17b57442d521
2024-07-28 12:40:32 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 510.0 510.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 44,520 500.0 10,020 0.0 10,020 0.0 9472.0 253 751.0 {"chn_1": 510.0, "chn_2": 510.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 44520.0, "chn_8": 500.0, "chn_9": 10020.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10020.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9472.0, "chn_14": 253.0, "chn_15": 751.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -8.0, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-07-28T12:40:32.798321+00:00", "channel": 1, "context": "6Nn25g==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 6918, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406205650.798s"}] -103.0000 -8.0000 bd9dcb9b-4550-42ff-809c-35b567ae25bb
2024-07-28 12:30:35 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,014 0.0 10,014 0.0 9728.0 254 200.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 0.0, "chn_8": 0.0, "chn_9": 10014.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10014.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9728.0, "chn_14": 254.0, "chn_15": 200.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -7.0, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-07-28T12:30:35.978773+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "xUa4SA==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 26630, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406205053.978s"}] -102.0000 -7.0000 ecdc2c1c-fb48-4620-aaf1-c376596b7179
2024-07-28 12:28:37 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 695.0 665.0 43.0 0 2,133 5509.0 21.5200 9,148 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL {"chn_1": 695.0, "chn_2": 665.0, "chn_3": 43.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 2133.0, "chn_6": 5509.0, "chn_7": 9148.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -11.5, "rssi": -104, "time": "2024-07-28T12:28:37.519851+00:00", "channel": 7, "context": "vjcu2w==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 26917, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406204935.519s"}] -104.0000 -11.5000 2d39aac7-c406-4f0a-9da1-45924fe68b32
2024-07-28 12:10:30 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 47.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,002 0.0 10,002 0.0 10496.0 255 100.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 0.0, "chn_8": 0.0, "chn_9": 10002.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10002.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 10496.0, "chn_14": 255.0, "chn_15": 100.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -5.5, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-07-28T12:10:30.896462+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "fXKy0w==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 31337, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406203848.896s"}] -103.0000 -5.5000 09950d62-c49e-40e2-9faa-9af2b1d8fe63
2024-07-28 12:00:30 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 2242.0 2242.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 22,917 187.0 10,001 0.0 10,000 0.0 10240.0 255 250.0 {"chn_1": 2242.0, "chn_2": 2242.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 22917.0, "chn_8": 187.0, "chn_9": 10001.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10000.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 10240.0, "chn_14": 255.0, "chn_15": 250.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -7.0, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-07-28T12:00:30.834305+00:00", "channel": 2, "context": "Wa9NOA==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 41944, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406203248.834s"}] -102.0000 -7.0000 726d352e-5c79-47e0-adc0-ec0b3c2ce2c3
2024-07-28 11:50:30 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,000 0.0 10,000 0.0 11264.0 255 324.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 0.0, "chn_8": 0.0, "chn_9": 10000.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10000.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 11264.0, "chn_14": 255.0, "chn_15": 324.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -7.800000190734863, "rssi": -104, "time": "2024-07-28T11:50:30.189924+00:00", "channel": 7, "context": "NeIotA==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 61703, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406202648.189s"}] -104.0000 -7.8000 0d6e9ce6-c4dc-4614-be2a-dd35624997ff
2024-07-28 11:48:37 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 605.0 560.0 43.0 0 1,514 4912.0 19.1900 7,634 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL {"chn_1": 605.0, "chn_2": 560.0, "chn_3": 43.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 1514.0, "chn_6": 4912.0, "chn_7": 7634.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -9.199999809265137, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-07-28T11:48:37.405679+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "LykNmA==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 49274, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406202535.405s"}] -102.0000 -9.2000 e3d6a2c5-06e1-4f3e-9138-b98cdd28c8ed
2024-07-28 11:30:36 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 48.0 1277.0 46.0 0 0 770.0 3.0100 49,794 421.0 10,003 0.0 10,002 0.0 9472.0 255 100.0 {"chn_1": 48.0, "chn_2": 1277.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 770.0, "chn_7": 49794.0, "chn_8": 421.0, "chn_9": 10003.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10002.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9472.0, "chn_14": 255.0, "chn_15": 100.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -5.800000190734863, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-07-28T11:30:36.988227+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "7sNHSQ==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 12141, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406201454.988s"}] -103.0000 -5.8000 d233a643-d582-4ae5-83c8-c23d3d8f0b24
2024-07-28 11:20:35 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 32 172.0 10,001 0.0 10,001 0.0 9984.0 255 175.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 32.0, "chn_8": 172.0, "chn_9": 10001.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10001.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9984.0, "chn_14": 255.0, "chn_15": 175.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -7.0, "rssi": -101, "time": "2024-07-28T11:20:35.695506+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "yuw6pQ==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 40384, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406200853.695s"}] -101.0000 -7.0000 0db4e63e-1643-4793-b663-760963bc077c
2024-07-28 11:10:30 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,003 0.0 10,003 0.0 9728.0 255 25.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 0.0, "chn_8": 0.0, "chn_9": 10003.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10003.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9728.0, "chn_14": 255.0, "chn_15": 25.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -5.800000190734863, "rssi": -101, "time": "2024-07-28T11:10:30.132680+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "ptPg9w==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 60665, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406200248.132s"}] -101.0000 -5.8000 55d5ae3b-0d70-4902-b580-4254efb3607a
2024-07-28 11:08:38 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 550.0 525.0 43.0 0 1,309 4871.0 19.0300 7,208 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL {"chn_1": 550.0, "chn_2": 525.0, "chn_3": 43.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 1309.0, "chn_6": 4871.0, "chn_7": 7208.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -17.5, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-07-28T11:08:38.464799+00:00", "channel": 2, "context": "oCvlNg==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 29710, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406200136.464s"}] -103.0000 -17.5000 b6e4611d-02b9-4bd7-b687-e262cc5e2ca0
2024-07-28 11:00:29 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1772.0 1772.0 46.0 1 160 1541.0 6.0200 745 968.0 10,002 0.0 10,002 0.0 9984.0 255 100.0 {"chn_1": 1772.0, "chn_2": 1772.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 160.0, "chn_6": 1541.0, "chn_7": 745.0, "chn_8": 968.0, "chn_9": 10002.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10002.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 9984.0, "chn_14": 255.0, "chn_15": 100.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -5.5, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-07-28T11:00:29.608906+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "gwcqZQ==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 27344, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406199647.608s"}] -103.0000 -5.5000 514c2400-694f-44b8-ab67-2f54031ed6b4
2024-07-28 10:50:33 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1311.0 1259.0 46.0 1 81 1541.0 6.0200 11,542 250.0 10,002 0.0 10,002 0.0 10752.0 255 100.0 {"chn_1": 1311.0, "chn_2": 1259.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 81.0, "chn_6": 1541.0, "chn_7": 11542.0, "chn_8": 250.0, "chn_9": 10002.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10002.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 10752.0, "chn_14": 255.0, "chn_15": 100.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -5.5, "rssi": -101, "time": "2024-07-28T10:50:33.279979+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "X3uYFw==", "location": {"altitude": 396.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99592}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 28963, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1406199051.279s"}] -101.0000 -5.5000 bf26aaf8-da03-4080-bbf5-47e494bcdb9a