Jsn |
{"data": [{"WL": 7.18, "$ts": 240423032000, "RCi": 53.86, "RPi": 21007, "WLC": "0.02*A", "AVGVi": 3.49}, {"$ts": 240423032100, "$msg": "ERR;TCP_RESPONSE;NO CARRIER"}, {"$ts": 240423032100, "$msg": "ERR;NTUA"}, {"$ts": 240423032100, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 240423032100, "$msg": "ERR;NTUA"}, {"$ts": 240423032200, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 240423032200, "$msg": "ERR;NTUA"}, {"WL": 7.19, "$ts": 240423033000, "RCi": 53.86, "RPi": 21004, "WLC": "0.01*A", "AVGVi": 3.5}, {"$ts": 240423033100, "$msg": "ERR;TCP_RESPONSE;NO CARRIER"}, {"$ts": 240423033100, "$msg": "ERR;NTUA"}, {"WL": 7.19, "$ts": 240423034000, "RCi": 53.84, "RPi": 20999, "WLC": "0.01*A", "AVGVi": 3.5}, {"$ts": 240423034100, "$msg": "ERR;TCP_RESPONSE;NO CARRIER"}, {"$ts": 240423034100, "$msg": "ERR;NTUA"}, {"WL": 7.18, "$ts": 240423035000, "RCi": 53.84, "RPi": 20996, "WLC": "0.02*A", "AVGVi": 3.5}, {"$ts": 240423035100, "$msg": "ERR;TCP_RESPONSE;NO CARRIER"}, {"$ts": 240423035100, "$msg": "ERR;NTUA"}, {"WL": 7.18, "$ts": 240423040000, "RCi": 53.83, "RPi": 20992, "WLC": "0.02*A", "AVGVi": 3.5}, {"$ts": 240423040100, "$msg": "ERR;TCP_RESPONSE;NO CARRIER"}, {"$ts": 240423040100, "$msg": "ERR;NTUA"}, {"WL": 7.18, "$ts": 240423041000, "RCi": 53.82, "RPi": 20989, "WLC": "0.02*A", "AVGVi": 3.49}, {"$ts": 240423041100, "$msg": "ERR;TCP_RESPONSE;NO CARRIER"}, {"$ts": 240423041100, "$msg": "ERR;NTUA"}, {"WL": 7.19, "$ts": 240423042000, "RCi": 53.81, "RPi": 20985, "WLC": "0.01*A", "AVGVi": 3.48}, {"$ts": 240423042400, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 240423042400, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 240423042400, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 240423042400, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 240423042800, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 240423042800, "$msg": "ERR;NTUA"}, {"WL": 7.19, "$ts": 240423043000, "RCi": 53.8, "RPi": 20981, "WLC": "0.01*A", "AVGVi": 3.52}, {"$ts": 240423043000, "$msg": "DEBUG;Deregistering from the not responding network"}, {"$ts": 240423043100, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 240423043100, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 240423043400, "$msg": "DEBUG;Deregistering from the not responding network"}, {"$ts": 240423043500, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 240423043500, "$msg": "ERR;NTUA"}, {"WL": 7.19, "$ts": 240423044000, "RCi": 53.75, "RPi": 20963, "WLC": "0.01*A", "AVGVi": 3.52}, {"$ts": 240423044300, "$msg": "DEBUG;Deregistering from the not responding network"}, {"$ts": 240423044400, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 240423044400, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 240423044700, "$msg": "DEBUG;Deregistering from the not responding network"}, {"$ts": 240423044700, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 240423044700, "$msg": "ERR;NTUA"}, {"WL": 7.19, "$ts": 240423045000, "RCi": 53.72, "RPi": 20951, "WLC": "0.01*A", "AVGVi": 3.51}, {"$ts": 240423045300, "$msg": "DEBUG;Deregistering from the not responding network"}, {"$ts": 240423045400, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 240423045400, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 240423045700, "$msg": "DEBUG;Deregistering from the not responding network"}, {"$ts": 240423045700, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 240423045700, "$msg": "ERR;NTUA"}, {"WL": 7.19, "$ts": 240423050000, "RCi": 53.68, "RPi": 20936, "WLC": "0.01*A", "AVGVi": 3.5}, {"$ts": 240423050300, "$msg": "DEBUG;Deregistering from the not responding network"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B14", "sn": 101124014, "sim": 89882280666074845573, "imei": 356531111240143, "name": "Dekelias"}, "channels": [{"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "RCi", "name": "Rest capacity", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "RPi", "name": "Rest power", "unit": "mAh"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {}]} |