Weather stations

Id Time Sn Dname Battery Volt Permittivity10 Permittivity20 Permittivity30 Permittivity40 Rainfall Mm Temp10 C Temp20 C Temp30 C Temp40 C Watercontent10 Watercontent20 Watercontent30 Watercontent40 Airtemp C Relativehumidity Pressure Hpa Globalradiationavvg Wm2 Windspeedvct Ms Winddirectionvct O Jsn
21600 2023-11-26 11:30:37+00 124107869 Neoxorakimeteo 13.82 5.55 9.34 5.5 9.68 0 12.05 12.6 13.96 15 9.29 17.53 9.17 18.19 10.7 35.1 1005.8 475.1 4 324.5 {"data": [{"RH": 37.6, "$ts": 231126111005, "BAT": 13.82, "ATMP": 10.9, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.31, "WC20": 17.56, "WC30": 9.19, "WC40": 18.21, "GRAVG": 512.7, "PER10": 5.56, "PER20": 9.36, "PER30": 5.51, "PER40": 9.69, "PRESS": 1005.7, "TMP10": 11.94, "TMP20": 12.55, "TMP30": 13.97, "TMP40": 15.04, "WDVCT": 316.7, "WSVCT": 3.5}, {"RH": 35.1, "$ts": 231126112005, "BAT": 13.82, "ATMP": 10.7, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.29, "WC20": 17.53, "WC30": 9.17, "WC40": 18.19, "GRAVG": 475.1, "PER10": 5.55, "PER20": 9.34, "PER30": 5.5, "PER40": 9.68, "PRESS": 1005.8, "TMP10": 12.05, "TMP20": 12.6, "TMP30": 13.96, "TMP40": 15, "WDVCT": 324.5, "WSVCT": 4}, {"RH": 36.5, "$ts": 231126113005, "BAT": 13.81, "ATMP": 10.9, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.27, "WC20": 17.5, "WC30": 9.17, "WC40": 18.17, "GRAVG": 484.3, "PER10": 5.54, "PER20": 9.33, "PER30": 5.5, "PER40": 9.66, "PRESS": 1006, "TMP10": 12.16, "TMP20": 12.59, "TMP30": 13.93, "TMP40": 15.01, "WDVCT": 319.7, "WSVCT": 3.4}, {"$ts": 231126113020, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: connection failed"}, {"$ts": 231126113020, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 124107869, "sim": 89882280666074845540, "imei": 356995841078695, "name": "Neoxorakimeteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21592 2023-11-26 11:01:10+00 101124966 grammenitsameteo 13.84 11.57 8.51 8.81 6.02 0 12.18 13.07 14.59 15.34 21.8 15.82 16.45 10.38 11.4 34.3 1009.5 491.3 2.3 332.3 {"data": [{"$ts": 231126104005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 34.3, "$ts": 231126104005, "BAT": 13.84, "ATMP": 11.4, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 21.8, "WC20": 15.82, "WC30": 16.45, "WC40": 10.38, "GRAVG": 491.3, "PER10": 11.57, "PER20": 8.51, "PER30": 8.81, "PER40": 6.02, "PRESS": 1009.5, "TMP10": 12.18, "TMP20": 13.07, "TMP30": 14.59, "TMP40": 15.34, "WDVCT": 332.3, "WSVCT": 2.3}, {"$ts": 231126105005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 35.9, "$ts": 231126105005, "BAT": 13.83, "ATMP": 11, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 21.76, "WC20": 15.81, "WC30": 16.44, "WC40": 10.38, "GRAVG": 397.5, "PER10": 11.56, "PER20": 8.5, "PER30": 8.8, "PER40": 6.02, "PRESS": 1009.6, "TMP10": 12.27, "TMP20": 13.13, "TMP30": 14.57, "TMP40": 15.34, "WDVCT": 355.6, "WSVCT": 1.7}, {"$ts": 231126110005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 39.2, "$ts": 231126110005, "BAT": 13.83, "ATMP": 10.3, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 21.73, "WC20": 15.8, "WC30": 16.43, "WC40": 10.37, "GRAVG": 203.8, "PER10": 11.54, "PER20": 8.49, "PER30": 8.8, "PER40": 6.02, "PRESS": 1009.7, "TMP10": 12.35, "TMP20": 13.08, "TMP30": 14.55, "TMP40": 15.3, "WDVCT": 347, "WSVCT": 1.9}, {"$ts": 231126110028, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: FTP user ID and password don't match"}, {"$ts": 231126110028, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B5", "sn": 101124966, "sim": 89882280666038384065, "imei": 356531111249664, "name": "grammenitsameteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21591 2023-11-26 11:00:38+00 124107869 Neoxorakimeteo 13.81 5.59 9.39 5.52 9.71 0 11.72 12.5 13.98 15.06 9.37 17.63 9.21 18.26 10.8 35.4 1005.5 521.8 2.5 317.7 {"data": [{"RH": 36.9, "$ts": 231126104005, "BAT": 13.81, "ATMP": 10.7, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.39, "WC20": 17.66, "WC30": 9.22, "WC40": 18.29, "GRAVG": 514.9, "PER10": 5.6, "PER20": 9.41, "PER30": 5.52, "PER40": 9.73, "PRESS": 1005.4, "TMP10": 11.6, "TMP20": 12.5, "TMP30": 14.01, "TMP40": 15.08, "WDVCT": 317.8, "WSVCT": 2.2}, {"RH": 35.4, "$ts": 231126105005, "BAT": 13.81, "ATMP": 10.8, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.37, "WC20": 17.63, "WC30": 9.21, "WC40": 18.26, "GRAVG": 521.8, "PER10": 5.59, "PER20": 9.39, "PER30": 5.52, "PER40": 9.71, "PRESS": 1005.5, "TMP10": 11.72, "TMP20": 12.5, "TMP30": 13.98, "TMP40": 15.06, "WDVCT": 317.7, "WSVCT": 2.5}, {"RH": 35.7, "$ts": 231126110005, "BAT": 13.81, "ATMP": 10.6, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.33, "WC20": 17.59, "WC30": 9.2, "WC40": 18.24, "GRAVG": 521.5, "PER10": 5.57, "PER20": 9.37, "PER30": 5.51, "PER40": 9.7, "PRESS": 1005.5, "TMP10": 11.84, "TMP20": 12.5, "TMP30": 13.96, "TMP40": 15.07, "WDVCT": 312.2, "WSVCT": 3.8}, {"$ts": 231126110022, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: connection failed"}, {"$ts": 231126110022, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 124107869, "sim": 89882280666074845540, "imei": 356995841078695, "name": "Neoxorakimeteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21581 2023-11-26 10:31:10+00 101124966 grammenitsameteo 13.84 11.61 8.52 8.82 6.03 0 12 13.12 14.65 15.38 21.86 15.84 16.47 10.4 11.4 38.5 1009.1 482.9 1.4 0.8 {"data": [{"$ts": 231126101005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 38.5, "$ts": 231126101005, "BAT": 13.84, "ATMP": 11.4, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 21.86, "WC20": 15.84, "WC30": 16.47, "WC40": 10.4, "GRAVG": 482.9, "PER10": 11.61, "PER20": 8.52, "PER30": 8.82, "PER40": 6.03, "PRESS": 1009.1, "TMP10": 12, "TMP20": 13.12, "TMP30": 14.65, "TMP40": 15.38, "WDVCT": 0.8, "WSVCT": 1.4}, {"$ts": 231126102005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 37.6, "$ts": 231126102005, "BAT": 13.84, "ATMP": 11.3, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 21.84, "WC20": 15.84, "WC30": 16.46, "WC40": 10.39, "GRAVG": 490, "PER10": 11.6, "PER20": 8.52, "PER30": 8.81, "PER40": 6.03, "PRESS": 1009.2, "TMP10": 12.03, "TMP20": 13.14, "TMP30": 14.62, "TMP40": 15.41, "WDVCT": 346.9, "WSVCT": 1.6}, {"$ts": 231126103005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 36.1, "$ts": 231126103005, "BAT": 13.84, "ATMP": 11.5, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 21.82, "WC20": 15.83, "WC30": 16.45, "WC40": 10.39, "GRAVG": 490.1, "PER10": 11.59, "PER20": 8.51, "PER30": 8.81, "PER40": 6.02, "PRESS": 1009.3, "TMP10": 12.12, "TMP20": 13.16, "TMP30": 14.59, "TMP40": 15.38, "WDVCT": 356.2, "WSVCT": 1.6}, {"$ts": 231126103028, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: FTP user ID and password don't match"}, {"$ts": 231126103028, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B5", "sn": 101124966, "sim": 89882280666038384065, "imei": 356531111249664, "name": "grammenitsameteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21580 2023-11-26 10:30:39+00 124107869 Neoxorakimeteo 13.81 5.62 9.43 5.54 9.75 0 11.38 12.48 14.05 15.1 9.46 17.71 9.26 18.34 10.4 37 1005.3 517.1 2.5 317 {"data": [{"RH": 38.8, "$ts": 231126101005, "BAT": 13.81, "ATMP": 10.2, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.51, "WC20": 17.74, "WC30": 9.26, "WC40": 18.38, "GRAVG": 515.3, "PER10": 5.64, "PER20": 9.45, "PER30": 5.54, "PER40": 9.77, "PRESS": 1005.2, "TMP10": 11.3, "TMP20": 12.47, "TMP30": 14.07, "TMP40": 15.15, "WDVCT": 313.4, "WSVCT": 2.9}, {"RH": 37, "$ts": 231126102005, "BAT": 13.81, "ATMP": 10.4, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.46, "WC20": 17.71, "WC30": 9.26, "WC40": 18.34, "GRAVG": 517.1, "PER10": 5.62, "PER20": 9.43, "PER30": 5.54, "PER40": 9.75, "PRESS": 1005.3, "TMP10": 11.38, "TMP20": 12.48, "TMP30": 14.05, "TMP40": 15.1, "WDVCT": 317, "WSVCT": 2.5}, {"RH": 39.8, "$ts": 231126103005, "BAT": 13.82, "ATMP": 10.5, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.42, "WC20": 17.68, "WC30": 9.25, "WC40": 18.32, "GRAVG": 515.4, "PER10": 5.61, "PER20": 9.42, "PER30": 5.54, "PER40": 9.74, "PRESS": 1005.5, "TMP10": 11.48, "TMP20": 12.45, "TMP30": 13.99, "TMP40": 15.1, "WDVCT": 321.6, "WSVCT": 2.6}, {"$ts": 231126103022, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: connection failed"}, {"$ts": 231126103022, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 124107869, "sim": 89882280666074845540, "imei": 356995841078695, "name": "Neoxorakimeteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21572 2023-11-26 10:01:10+00 101124966 grammenitsameteo 13.83 11.65 8.53 8.83 6.04 0 11.84 13.2 14.65 15.42 21.93 15.87 16.49 10.42 11.1 36.7 1008.9 464.9 1.2 351.4 {"data": [{"$ts": 231126094005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 36.7, "$ts": 231126094005, "BAT": 13.83, "ATMP": 11.1, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 21.93, "WC20": 15.87, "WC30": 16.49, "WC40": 10.42, "GRAVG": 464.9, "PER10": 11.65, "PER20": 8.53, "PER30": 8.83, "PER40": 6.04, "PRESS": 1008.9, "TMP10": 11.84, "TMP20": 13.2, "TMP30": 14.65, "TMP40": 15.42, "WDVCT": 351.4, "WSVCT": 1.2}, {"$ts": 231126095005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 41.6, "$ts": 231126095005, "BAT": 13.83, "ATMP": 11.3, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 21.9, "WC20": 15.86, "WC30": 16.48, "WC40": 10.41, "GRAVG": 471.6, "PER10": 11.63, "PER20": 8.53, "PER30": 8.82, "PER40": 6.03, "PRESS": 1008.9, "TMP10": 11.85, "TMP20": 13.16, "TMP30": 14.66, "TMP40": 15.39, "WDVCT": 4.5, "WSVCT": 1.2}, {"$ts": 231126100005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 37.1, "$ts": 231126100005, "BAT": 13.83, "ATMP": 11.4, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 21.89, "WC20": 15.85, "WC30": 16.47, "WC40": 10.41, "GRAVG": 478.2, "PER10": 11.63, "PER20": 8.52, "PER30": 8.82, "PER40": 6.03, "PRESS": 1008.9, "TMP10": 11.93, "TMP20": 13.15, "TMP30": 14.63, "TMP40": 15.43, "WDVCT": 348.6, "WSVCT": 1.2}, {"$ts": 231126100028, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: FTP user ID and password don't match"}, {"$ts": 231126100028, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B5", "sn": 101124966, "sim": 89882280666038384065, "imei": 356531111249664, "name": "grammenitsameteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21571 2023-11-26 10:00:37+00 124107869 Neoxorakimeteo 13.81 5.66 9.48 5.56 9.78 0 11.17 12.49 14.13 15.15 9.54 17.8 9.3 18.4 10.1 38.7 1005 504.2 2.6 315.5 {"data": [{"RH": 41.5, "$ts": 231126094005, "BAT": 13.81, "ATMP": 10, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.55, "WC20": 17.82, "WC30": 9.31, "WC40": 18.43, "GRAVG": 495.8, "PER10": 5.66, "PER20": 9.49, "PER30": 5.56, "PER40": 9.8, "PRESS": 1004.9, "TMP10": 11.14, "TMP20": 12.52, "TMP30": 14.1, "TMP40": 15.18, "WDVCT": 320.7, "WSVCT": 2.7}, {"RH": 38.7, "$ts": 231126095005, "BAT": 13.81, "ATMP": 10.1, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.54, "WC20": 17.8, "WC30": 9.3, "WC40": 18.4, "GRAVG": 504.2, "PER10": 5.66, "PER20": 9.48, "PER30": 5.56, "PER40": 9.78, "PRESS": 1005, "TMP10": 11.17, "TMP20": 12.49, "TMP30": 14.13, "TMP40": 15.15, "WDVCT": 315.5, "WSVCT": 2.6}, {"RH": 37.3, "$ts": 231126100005, "BAT": 13.82, "ATMP": 10.1, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.52, "WC20": 17.77, "WC30": 9.28, "WC40": 18.39, "GRAVG": 509.7, "PER10": 5.65, "PER20": 9.46, "PER30": 5.55, "PER40": 9.78, "PRESS": 1005, "TMP10": 11.25, "TMP20": 12.47, "TMP30": 14.1, "TMP40": 15.13, "WDVCT": 309.8, "WSVCT": 2.8}, {"$ts": 231126100020, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: connection failed"}, {"$ts": 231126100020, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 124107869, "sim": 89882280666074845540, "imei": 356995841078695, "name": "Neoxorakimeteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21561 2023-11-26 09:31:20+00 101124966 grammenitsameteo 13.83 11.69 8.54 8.84 6.05 0 11.73 13.23 14.73 15.48 22.01 15.9 16.51 10.44 10.9 39.3 1008.5 436.3 1.3 349.7 {"data": [{"$ts": 231126091005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 39.3, "$ts": 231126091005, "BAT": 13.83, "ATMP": 10.9, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.01, "WC20": 15.9, "WC30": 16.51, "WC40": 10.44, "GRAVG": 436.3, "PER10": 11.69, "PER20": 8.54, "PER30": 8.84, "PER40": 6.05, "PRESS": 1008.5, "TMP10": 11.73, "TMP20": 13.23, "TMP30": 14.73, "TMP40": 15.48, "WDVCT": 349.7, "WSVCT": 1.3}, {"$ts": 231126092005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 40.3, "$ts": 231126092005, "BAT": 13.84, "ATMP": 10.9, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 21.98, "WC20": 15.89, "WC30": 16.5, "WC40": 10.44, "GRAVG": 448.1, "PER10": 11.68, "PER20": 8.54, "PER30": 8.84, "PER40": 6.04, "PRESS": 1008.6, "TMP10": 11.76, "TMP20": 13.18, "TMP30": 14.71, "TMP40": 15.48, "WDVCT": 345.4, "WSVCT": 1.3}, {"$ts": 231126093005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 40.6, "$ts": 231126093005, "BAT": 13.83, "ATMP": 11.1, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 21.96, "WC20": 15.88, "WC30": 16.49, "WC40": 10.42, "GRAVG": 456.9, "PER10": 11.67, "PER20": 8.53, "PER30": 8.83, "PER40": 6.04, "PRESS": 1008.7, "TMP10": 11.79, "TMP20": 13.2, "TMP30": 14.7, "TMP40": 15.45, "WDVCT": 341, "WSVCT": 1}, {"$ts": 231126093026, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: Can not resolve name"}, {"$ts": 231126093026, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B5", "sn": 101124966, "sim": 89882280666038384065, "imei": 356531111249664, "name": "grammenitsameteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21560 2023-11-26 09:30:37+00 124107869 Neoxorakimeteo 13.82 5.67 9.51 5.57 9.83 0 11.06 12.51 14.17 15.2 9.57 17.87 9.34 18.5 9.9 42.7 1004.6 479.9 2 318.5 {"data": [{"RH": 44.8, "$ts": 231126091005, "BAT": 13.82, "ATMP": 10.1, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.58, "WC20": 17.9, "WC30": 9.36, "WC40": 18.53, "GRAVG": 467.2, "PER10": 5.68, "PER20": 9.53, "PER30": 5.58, "PER40": 9.85, "PRESS": 1004.5, "TMP10": 11.07, "TMP20": 12.55, "TMP30": 14.22, "TMP40": 15.22, "WDVCT": 327, "WSVCT": 1.7}, {"RH": 42.7, "$ts": 231126092005, "BAT": 13.82, "ATMP": 9.9, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.57, "WC20": 17.87, "WC30": 9.34, "WC40": 18.5, "GRAVG": 479.9, "PER10": 5.67, "PER20": 9.51, "PER30": 5.57, "PER40": 9.83, "PRESS": 1004.6, "TMP10": 11.06, "TMP20": 12.51, "TMP30": 14.17, "TMP40": 15.2, "WDVCT": 318.5, "WSVCT": 2}, {"RH": 46.6, "$ts": 231126093005, "BAT": 13.82, "ATMP": 10.3, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.56, "WC20": 17.85, "WC30": 9.32, "WC40": 18.48, "GRAVG": 488.1, "PER10": 5.67, "PER20": 9.5, "PER30": 5.57, "PER40": 9.82, "PRESS": 1004.9, "TMP10": 11.08, "TMP20": 12.51, "TMP30": 14.15, "TMP40": 15.16, "WDVCT": 323.1, "WSVCT": 1.5}, {"$ts": 231126093017, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: connection failed"}, {"$ts": 231126093017, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 124107869, "sim": 89882280666074845540, "imei": 356995841078695, "name": "Neoxorakimeteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21551 2023-11-26 09:01:20+00 101124966 grammenitsameteo 13.84 11.73 8.56 8.85 6.06 0 11.71 13.32 14.8 15.47 22.07 15.94 16.53 10.46 10.5 41.4 1007.8 391.8 1.2 2.9 {"data": [{"$ts": 231126084005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 41.4, "$ts": 231126084005, "BAT": 13.84, "ATMP": 10.5, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.07, "WC20": 15.94, "WC30": 16.53, "WC40": 10.46, "GRAVG": 391.8, "PER10": 11.73, "PER20": 8.56, "PER30": 8.85, "PER40": 6.06, "PRESS": 1007.8, "TMP10": 11.71, "TMP20": 13.32, "TMP30": 14.8, "TMP40": 15.47, "WDVCT": 2.9, "WSVCT": 1.2}, {"$ts": 231126085005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 38.3, "$ts": 231126085005, "BAT": 13.83, "ATMP": 10.6, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.04, "WC20": 15.94, "WC30": 16.52, "WC40": 10.45, "GRAVG": 408.6, "PER10": 11.71, "PER20": 8.56, "PER30": 8.85, "PER40": 6.05, "PRESS": 1007.9, "TMP10": 11.68, "TMP20": 13.31, "TMP30": 14.76, "TMP40": 15.45, "WDVCT": 336.8, "WSVCT": 1.1}, {"$ts": 231126090005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 39.5, "$ts": 231126090005, "BAT": 13.83, "ATMP": 10.9, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.02, "WC20": 15.92, "WC30": 16.51, "WC40": 10.45, "GRAVG": 422.8, "PER10": 11.7, "PER20": 8.55, "PER30": 8.84, "PER40": 6.05, "PRESS": 1008.2, "TMP10": 11.73, "TMP20": 13.27, "TMP30": 14.73, "TMP40": 15.46, "WDVCT": 339.4, "WSVCT": 1}, {"$ts": 231126090026, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: Can not resolve name"}, {"$ts": 231126090026, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B5", "sn": 101124966, "sim": 89882280666038384065, "imei": 356531111249664, "name": "grammenitsameteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21550 2023-11-26 09:00:45+00 124107869 Neoxorakimeteo 13.82 5.69 9.56 5.59 9.88 0 11.05 12.61 14.25 15.23 9.62 17.96 9.39 18.59 11 44.9 1004.3 441.8 0 0 {"data": [{"RH": 49.8, "$ts": 231126084005, "BAT": 13.81, "ATMP": 10.4, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.68, "WC20": 17.98, "WC30": 9.4, "WC40": 18.61, "GRAVG": 426.4, "PER10": 5.72, "PER20": 9.57, "PER30": 5.6, "PER40": 9.89, "PRESS": 1004.2, "TMP10": 11.05, "TMP20": 12.63, "TMP30": 14.22, "TMP40": 15.26, "WDVCT": 202.3, "WSVCT": 0.4}, {"RH": 44.9, "$ts": 231126085005, "BAT": 13.82, "ATMP": 11, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.62, "WC20": 17.96, "WC30": 9.39, "WC40": 18.59, "GRAVG": 441.8, "PER10": 5.69, "PER20": 9.56, "PER30": 5.59, "PER40": 9.88, "PRESS": 1004.3, "TMP10": 11.05, "TMP20": 12.61, "TMP30": 14.25, "TMP40": 15.23, "WDVCT": 0, "WSVCT": 0}, {"RH": 42.8, "$ts": 231126090005, "BAT": 13.82, "ATMP": 10.2, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.6, "WC20": 17.92, "WC30": 9.38, "WC40": 18.55, "GRAVG": 453.6, "PER10": 5.68, "PER20": 9.54, "PER30": 5.59, "PER40": 9.86, "PRESS": 1004.4, "TMP10": 11.04, "TMP20": 12.62, "TMP30": 14.23, "TMP40": 15.26, "WDVCT": 314.6, "WSVCT": 0.9}, {"$ts": 231126090017, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: connection failed"}, {"$ts": 231126090017, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 124107869, "sim": 89882280666074845540, "imei": 356995841078695, "name": "Neoxorakimeteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21540 2023-11-26 08:31:20+00 101124966 grammenitsameteo 14.43 11.75 8.57 8.87 6.06 0 11.73 13.38 14.83 15.47 22.11 15.96 16.57 10.48 10.2 47.3 1007.4 333.8 0.5 357.6 {"data": [{"$ts": 231126081005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 47.3, "$ts": 231126081005, "BAT": 14.43, "ATMP": 10.2, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.11, "WC20": 15.96, "WC30": 16.57, "WC40": 10.48, "GRAVG": 333.8, "PER10": 11.75, "PER20": 8.57, "PER30": 8.87, "PER40": 6.06, "PRESS": 1007.4, "TMP10": 11.73, "TMP20": 13.38, "TMP30": 14.83, "TMP40": 15.47, "WDVCT": 357.6, "WSVCT": 0.5}, {"$ts": 231126082005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 41.3, "$ts": 231126082005, "BAT": 14.43, "ATMP": 10, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.1, "WC20": 15.96, "WC30": 16.55, "WC40": 10.47, "GRAVG": 354.7, "PER10": 11.74, "PER20": 8.57, "PER30": 8.86, "PER40": 6.06, "PRESS": 1007.7, "TMP10": 11.67, "TMP20": 13.37, "TMP30": 14.83, "TMP40": 15.49, "WDVCT": 339, "WSVCT": 1.4}, {"$ts": 231126083005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 43.4, "$ts": 231126083005, "BAT": 13.83, "ATMP": 10.5, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.09, "WC20": 15.95, "WC30": 16.54, "WC40": 10.47, "GRAVG": 373.6, "PER10": 11.73, "PER20": 8.57, "PER30": 8.86, "PER40": 6.06, "PRESS": 1007.9, "TMP10": 11.66, "TMP20": 13.33, "TMP30": 14.8, "TMP40": 15.49, "WDVCT": 12.2, "WSVCT": 1.1}, {"$ts": 231126083026, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: Can not resolve name"}, {"$ts": 231126083026, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B5", "sn": 101124966, "sim": 89882280666038384065, "imei": 356531111249664, "name": "grammenitsameteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21539 2023-11-26 08:30:45+00 124107869 Neoxorakimeteo 13.81 5.73 9.59 5.61 9.92 0 11.09 12.74 14.3 15.28 9.7 18.03 9.43 18.67 9.5 52.3 1004 389.5 1.3 164 {"data": [{"RH": 54, "$ts": 231126081005, "BAT": 13.81, "ATMP": 9.4, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.71, "WC20": 18.06, "WC30": 9.44, "WC40": 18.7, "GRAVG": 369.7, "PER10": 5.73, "PER20": 9.61, "PER30": 5.62, "PER40": 9.93, "PRESS": 1003.8, "TMP10": 11.08, "TMP20": 12.75, "TMP30": 14.33, "TMP40": 15.3, "WDVCT": 151.6, "WSVCT": 1.4}, {"RH": 52.3, "$ts": 231126082005, "BAT": 13.81, "ATMP": 9.5, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.7, "WC20": 18.03, "WC30": 9.43, "WC40": 18.67, "GRAVG": 389.5, "PER10": 5.73, "PER20": 9.59, "PER30": 5.61, "PER40": 9.92, "PRESS": 1004, "TMP10": 11.09, "TMP20": 12.74, "TMP30": 14.3, "TMP40": 15.28, "WDVCT": 164, "WSVCT": 1.3}, {"RH": 55.7, "$ts": 231126083005, "BAT": 13.81, "ATMP": 9.8, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.69, "WC20": 18.01, "WC30": 9.42, "WC40": 18.64, "GRAVG": 408.2, "PER10": 5.72, "PER20": 9.58, "PER30": 5.61, "PER40": 9.9, "PRESS": 1004.2, "TMP10": 11.04, "TMP20": 12.7, "TMP30": 14.27, "TMP40": 15.27, "WDVCT": 149.7, "WSVCT": 1.3}, {"$ts": 231126083017, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: connection failed"}, {"$ts": 231126083017, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 124107869, "sim": 89882280666074845540, "imei": 356995841078695, "name": "Neoxorakimeteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21530 2023-11-26 08:01:21+00 101124966 grammenitsameteo 14.42 11.78 8.59 8.88 6.07 0 11.83 13.47 14.91 15.57 22.16 16 16.59 10.5 8.9 68.5 1006.9 266.7 0.9 142.9 {"data": [{"$ts": 231126074005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 68.5, "$ts": 231126074005, "BAT": 14.42, "ATMP": 8.9, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.16, "WC20": 16, "WC30": 16.59, "WC40": 10.5, "GRAVG": 266.7, "PER10": 11.78, "PER20": 8.59, "PER30": 8.88, "PER40": 6.07, "PRESS": 1006.9, "TMP10": 11.83, "TMP20": 13.47, "TMP30": 14.91, "TMP40": 15.57, "WDVCT": 142.9, "WSVCT": 0.9}, {"$ts": 231126075005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 62.9, "$ts": 231126075005, "BAT": 14.42, "ATMP": 9.2, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.14, "WC20": 15.98, "WC30": 16.58, "WC40": 10.49, "GRAVG": 291.8, "PER10": 11.77, "PER20": 8.58, "PER30": 8.87, "PER40": 6.07, "PRESS": 1006.9, "TMP10": 11.8, "TMP20": 13.46, "TMP30": 14.87, "TMP40": 15.55, "WDVCT": 158.6, "WSVCT": 1.1}, {"$ts": 231126080005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 61.5, "$ts": 231126080005, "BAT": 14.42, "ATMP": 9.5, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.14, "WC20": 15.98, "WC30": 16.57, "WC40": 10.48, "GRAVG": 313, "PER10": 11.76, "PER20": 8.58, "PER30": 8.87, "PER40": 6.07, "PRESS": 1007.4, "TMP10": 11.74, "TMP20": 13.4, "TMP30": 14.84, "TMP40": 15.51, "WDVCT": 105.6, "WSVCT": 0.4}, {"$ts": 231126080026, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: Can not resolve name"}, {"$ts": 231126080026, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B5", "sn": 101124966, "sim": 89882280666038384065, "imei": 356531111249664, "name": "grammenitsameteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21529 2023-11-26 08:00:36+00 124107869 Neoxorakimeteo 14.4 5.74 9.64 5.63 9.96 0 11.16 12.84 14.38 15.32 9.74 18.12 9.48 18.76 9.5 62 1003.4 327.6 0.5 176.8 {"data": [{"RH": 65.8, "$ts": 231126074005, "BAT": 14.4, "ATMP": 8.1, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.76, "WC20": 18.14, "WC30": 9.49, "WC40": 18.78, "GRAVG": 306.4, "PER10": 5.75, "PER20": 9.65, "PER30": 5.64, "PER40": 9.98, "PRESS": 1003.2, "TMP10": 11.2, "TMP20": 12.85, "TMP30": 14.41, "TMP40": 15.34, "WDVCT": 156.7, "WSVCT": 1.1}, {"RH": 62, "$ts": 231126075005, "BAT": 14.4, "ATMP": 9.5, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.74, "WC20": 18.12, "WC30": 9.48, "WC40": 18.76, "GRAVG": 327.6, "PER10": 5.74, "PER20": 9.64, "PER30": 5.63, "PER40": 9.96, "PRESS": 1003.4, "TMP10": 11.16, "TMP20": 12.84, "TMP30": 14.38, "TMP40": 15.32, "WDVCT": 176.8, "WSVCT": 0.5}, {"RH": 53.3, "$ts": 231126080005, "BAT": 14.41, "ATMP": 10.3, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.73, "WC20": 18.09, "WC30": 9.46, "WC40": 18.72, "GRAVG": 348.2, "PER10": 5.74, "PER20": 9.62, "PER30": 5.62, "PER40": 9.94, "PRESS": 1003.6, "TMP10": 11.14, "TMP20": 12.75, "TMP30": 14.34, "TMP40": 15.32, "WDVCT": 0, "WSVCT": 0}, {"$ts": 231126080018, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: connection failed"}, {"$ts": 231126080018, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 124107869, "sim": 89882280666074845540, "imei": 356995841078695, "name": "Neoxorakimeteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21521 2023-11-26 07:31:20+00 101124966 grammenitsameteo 14.41 11.81 8.6 8.89 6.08 0 11.91 13.55 14.91 15.59 22.23 16.03 16.61 10.53 8.5 59.9 1006 169 0.9 358.3 {"data": [{"$ts": 231126071005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 59.9, "$ts": 231126071005, "BAT": 14.41, "ATMP": 8.5, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.23, "WC20": 16.03, "WC30": 16.61, "WC40": 10.53, "GRAVG": 169, "PER10": 11.81, "PER20": 8.6, "PER30": 8.89, "PER40": 6.08, "PRESS": 1006, "TMP10": 11.91, "TMP20": 13.55, "TMP30": 14.91, "TMP40": 15.59, "WDVCT": 358.3, "WSVCT": 0.9}, {"$ts": 231126072005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 58.5, "$ts": 231126072005, "BAT": 14.42, "ATMP": 8.9, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.21, "WC20": 16.02, "WC30": 16.61, "WC40": 10.52, "GRAVG": 224.4, "PER10": 11.8, "PER20": 8.6, "PER30": 8.89, "PER40": 6.08, "PRESS": 1006.2, "TMP10": 11.9, "TMP20": 13.52, "TMP30": 14.95, "TMP40": 15.53, "WDVCT": 13.1, "WSVCT": 0.5}, {"$ts": 231126073005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 65.6, "$ts": 231126073005, "BAT": 14.42, "ATMP": 9.2, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.18, "WC20": 16.01, "WC30": 16.6, "WC40": 10.51, "GRAVG": 245.7, "PER10": 11.79, "PER20": 8.6, "PER30": 8.88, "PER40": 6.08, "PRESS": 1006.6, "TMP10": 11.8, "TMP20": 13.52, "TMP30": 14.9, "TMP40": 15.52, "WDVCT": 127.1, "WSVCT": 0.5}, {"$ts": 231126073026, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: Can not resolve name"}, {"$ts": 231126073026, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B5", "sn": 101124966, "sim": 89882280666038384065, "imei": 356531111249664, "name": "grammenitsameteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21520 2023-11-26 07:30:45+00 124107869 Neoxorakimeteo 14.39 5.77 9.68 5.65 10 0 11.23 12.91 14.42 15.36 9.8 18.2 9.53 18.83 7.9 73.1 1002.6 259.6 1.2 156.1 {"data": [{"RH": 74.5, "$ts": 231126071005, "BAT": 14.39, "ATMP": 8, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.81, "WC20": 18.23, "WC30": 9.54, "WC40": 18.88, "GRAVG": 235.5, "PER10": 5.77, "PER20": 9.69, "PER30": 5.66, "PER40": 10.03, "PRESS": 1002.3, "TMP10": 11.33, "TMP20": 12.97, "TMP30": 14.43, "TMP40": 15.38, "WDVCT": 106.9, "WSVCT": 0.6}, {"RH": 73.1, "$ts": 231126072005, "BAT": 14.39, "ATMP": 7.9, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.8, "WC20": 18.2, "WC30": 9.53, "WC40": 18.83, "GRAVG": 259.6, "PER10": 5.77, "PER20": 9.68, "PER30": 5.65, "PER40": 10, "PRESS": 1002.6, "TMP10": 11.23, "TMP20": 12.91, "TMP30": 14.42, "TMP40": 15.36, "WDVCT": 156.1, "WSVCT": 1.2}, {"RH": 73.7, "$ts": 231126073005, "BAT": 14.39, "ATMP": 8, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.77, "WC20": 18.17, "WC30": 9.5, "WC40": 18.81, "GRAVG": 283.3, "PER10": 5.76, "PER20": 9.66, "PER30": 5.64, "PER40": 9.99, "PRESS": 1002.9, "TMP10": 11.23, "TMP20": 12.88, "TMP30": 14.39, "TMP40": 15.33, "WDVCT": 168.1, "WSVCT": 1.3}, {"$ts": 231126073017, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: connection failed"}, {"$ts": 231126073017, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 124107869, "sim": 89882280666074845540, "imei": 356995841078695, "name": "Neoxorakimeteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21510 2023-11-26 07:01:20+00 101124966 grammenitsameteo 14.41 11.84 8.63 8.9 6.09 0 12.05 13.63 14.96 15.59 22.28 16.08 16.64 10.55 6.3 86.7 1005.3 132.3 0 0 {"data": [{"$ts": 231126064005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 86.7, "$ts": 231126064005, "BAT": 14.41, "ATMP": 6.3, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.28, "WC20": 16.08, "WC30": 16.64, "WC40": 10.55, "GRAVG": 132.3, "PER10": 11.84, "PER20": 8.63, "PER30": 8.9, "PER40": 6.09, "PRESS": 1005.3, "TMP10": 12.05, "TMP20": 13.63, "TMP30": 14.96, "TMP40": 15.59, "WDVCT": 0, "WSVCT": 0}, {"$ts": 231126065005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 75.5, "$ts": 231126065005, "BAT": 14.41, "ATMP": 7.2, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.27, "WC20": 16.07, "WC30": 16.63, "WC40": 10.54, "GRAVG": 155.9, "PER10": 11.83, "PER20": 8.62, "PER30": 8.9, "PER40": 6.09, "PRESS": 1005.5, "TMP10": 12.02, "TMP20": 13.63, "TMP30": 14.97, "TMP40": 15.59, "WDVCT": 0, "WSVCT": 0}, {"$ts": 231126070005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 60.8, "$ts": 231126070005, "BAT": 14.42, "ATMP": 7.6, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.25, "WC20": 16.05, "WC30": 16.62, "WC40": 10.53, "GRAVG": 176.7, "PER10": 11.83, "PER20": 8.62, "PER30": 8.89, "PER40": 6.09, "PRESS": 1005.5, "TMP10": 11.96, "TMP20": 13.59, "TMP30": 14.91, "TMP40": 15.56, "WDVCT": 242.8, "WSVCT": 0.6}, {"$ts": 231126070026, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: Can not resolve name"}, {"$ts": 231126070026, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B5", "sn": 101124966, "sim": 89882280666038384065, "imei": 356531111249664, "name": "grammenitsameteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21509 2023-11-26 07:00:44+00 124107869 Neoxorakimeteo 14.39 5.78 9.73 5.67 10.05 0 11.4 13.03 14.52 15.4 9.83 18.29 9.57 18.93 6.3 77 1001.9 185 0.8 70.8 {"data": [{"RH": 77.7, "$ts": 231126064005, "BAT": 14.39, "ATMP": 5.9, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.84, "WC20": 18.32, "WC30": 9.58, "WC40": 18.96, "GRAVG": 160.2, "PER10": 5.79, "PER20": 9.74, "PER30": 5.68, "PER40": 10.07, "PRESS": 1001.8, "TMP10": 11.45, "TMP20": 13.05, "TMP30": 14.54, "TMP40": 15.42, "WDVCT": 58.6, "WSVCT": 0.7}, {"RH": 77, "$ts": 231126065005, "BAT": 14.39, "ATMP": 6.3, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.83, "WC20": 18.29, "WC30": 9.57, "WC40": 18.93, "GRAVG": 185, "PER10": 5.78, "PER20": 9.73, "PER30": 5.67, "PER40": 10.05, "PRESS": 1001.9, "TMP10": 11.4, "TMP20": 13.03, "TMP30": 14.52, "TMP40": 15.4, "WDVCT": 70.8, "WSVCT": 0.8}, {"RH": 76.6, "$ts": 231126070005, "BAT": 14.39, "ATMP": 6.7, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 9.82, "WC20": 18.26, "WC30": 9.55, "WC40": 18.9, "GRAVG": 210.4, "PER10": 5.78, "PER20": 9.71, "PER30": 5.66, "PER40": 10.04, "PRESS": 1002.1, "TMP10": 11.36, "TMP20": 12.98, "TMP30": 14.48, "TMP40": 15.41, "WDVCT": 85.8, "WSVCT": 0.9}, {"$ts": 231126070017, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: connection failed"}, {"$ts": 231126070017, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 124107869, "sim": 89882280666074845540, "imei": 356995841078695, "name": "Neoxorakimeteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}
21500 2023-11-26 06:31:21+00 101124966 grammenitsameteo 12.7 11.88 8.65 8.91 6.11 0 12.2 13.74 15.04 15.64 22.36 16.12 16.66 10.58 4 87.5 1004.5 64.1 0 0 {"data": [{"$ts": 231126061005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 87.5, "$ts": 231126061005, "BAT": 12.7, "ATMP": 4, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.36, "WC20": 16.12, "WC30": 16.66, "WC40": 10.58, "GRAVG": 64.1, "PER10": 11.88, "PER20": 8.65, "PER30": 8.91, "PER40": 6.11, "PRESS": 1004.5, "TMP10": 12.2, "TMP20": 13.74, "TMP30": 15.04, "TMP40": 15.64, "WDVCT": 0, "WSVCT": 0}, {"$ts": 231126062005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 86.7, "$ts": 231126062005, "BAT": 12.83, "ATMP": 4.6, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.33, "WC20": 16.1, "WC30": 16.65, "WC40": 10.57, "GRAVG": 75.1, "PER10": 11.87, "PER20": 8.64, "PER30": 8.91, "PER40": 6.1, "PRESS": 1005, "TMP10": 12.13, "TMP20": 13.73, "TMP30": 15.01, "TMP40": 15.65, "WDVCT": 75.3, "WSVCT": 0.3}, {"$ts": 231126063005, "$msg": "INV;Aggregations;Has invalid data"}, {"RH": 85.8, "$ts": 231126063005, "BAT": 14.41, "ATMP": 5.5, "RAIN": 0, "WC10": 22.31, "WC20": 16.09, "WC30": 16.65, "WC40": 10.56, "GRAVG": 107.8, "PER10": 11.86, "PER20": 8.64, "PER30": 8.91, "PER40": 6.1, "PRESS": 1005.1, "TMP10": 12.08, "TMP20": 13.66, "TMP30": 14.97, "TMP40": 15.61, "WDVCT": 115.3, "WSVCT": 0.4}, {"$ts": 231126063026, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: Can not resolve name"}, {"$ts": 231126063026, "$msg": "ERR;FTP"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B5", "sn": 101124966, "sim": 89882280666038384065, "imei": 356531111249664, "name": "grammenitsameteo"}, "channels": [{"code": "BAT", "name": "Battery", "unit": "volts"}, {"code": "RAIN", "name": "Rainfall", "unit": "mm"}, {"code": "PER10", "name": "PERMITTIVITY10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC10", "name": "WATERCONTENT10", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP10", "name": "TEMP10", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER20", "name": "PERMITTIVITY20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC20", "name": "WATERCONTENT20", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP20", "name": "TEMP20", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER30", "name": "PERMITTIVITY30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC30", "name": "WATERCONTENT30", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP30", "name": "TEMP30", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "PER40", "name": "PERMITTIVITY40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "WC40", "name": "WATERCONTENT40", "unit": ""}, {"code": "TMP40", "name": "TEMP40", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "ATMP", "name": "AIRTEMP", "unit": "C"}, {"code": "RH", "name": "RELATIVEHUMIDITY", "unit": "%"}, {"code": "PRESS", "name": "PRESSURE", "unit": "hPa"}, {"code": "GRAVG", "name": "GLOBALRADIATIONAVVG", "unit": "W/m2"}, {"code": "WSVCT", "name": "WINDSPEEDVCT", "unit": "m/s"}, {"code": "WDVCT", "name": "WINDDIRECTIONVCT", "unit": "o"}, {}]}