Uc502 Geolux

Time Device Name Display Name Description Profile Name Application Gateway Instantaneous Speed Averaged Speed Tilt Angle Flow Direction Relative Signal Instantaneous Snr256 Instantaneous Snr Calculated Water Discharge Integer Calculated Water Discharge Decimal Distance To Water Surface Integer Distance To Water Surface Decimal Measured Water Level Integer Measured Water Level Decimal Level Sensor Snr Cross Section Area Integer Cross Section Area Decimal Payload Object Rx Info Lora Rssi Lora Snr Deduplication Id
2023-11-28 01:35:43 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 3847.0 4129.0 47.0 1 122 5195.0 20.2900 26,839 250.0 10,078 0.0 10,078 0.0 12288.0 249 430.0 {"chn_1": 3847.0, "chn_2": 4129.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 122.0, "chn_6": 5195.0, "chn_7": 26839.0, "chn_8": 250.0, "chn_9": 10078.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10078.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 249.0, "chn_15": 430.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": 1.0, "rssi": -98, "time": "2023-11-28T01:35:43.809140+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "8FP86A==", "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 34229, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385170561.809s"}] -98.0000 1.0000 ab6a3bde-be3c-409d-8139-45d96349eac8
2023-11-28 01:25:43 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 18.0 47.0 1 72 0.0 0.0000 3,608 579.0 10,106 0.0 10,106 0.0 12288.0 247 356.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 18.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 72.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 3608.0, "chn_8": 579.0, "chn_9": 10106.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10106.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 247.0, "chn_15": 356.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": 2.200000047683716, "rssi": -98, "time": "2023-11-28T01:25:43.762183+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "zJAC/A==", "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 37010, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385169961.762s"}] -98.0000 2.2000 5f094d33-c419-42ea-852c-6a38213e9930
2023-11-28 00:55:44 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 82.0 47.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 14,728 0.0 10,163 0.0 10,163 0.0 12288.0 243 157.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 82.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 14728.0, "chn_8": 0.0, "chn_9": 10163.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10163.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 243.0, "chn_15": 157.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -1.5, "rssi": -101, "time": "2023-11-28T00:55:44.859061+00:00", "channel": 7, "context": "YVe3kQ==", "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 41755, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385168162.859s"}] -101.0000 -1.5000 c0bb2eb7-0c52-40ff-a07a-a4be46a69fcc
2023-11-28 00:35:44 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 139.0 47.0 0 62 0.0 0.0000 28,573 417.0 10,155 0.0 10,155 0.0 12544.0 243 745.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 139.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 62.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 28573.0, "chn_8": 417.0, "chn_9": 10155.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10155.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 243.0, "chn_15": 745.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -2.0, "rssi": -100, "time": "2023-11-28T00:35:44.259537+00:00", "channel": 1, "context": "GceKPg==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 44110, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385166962.259s"}] -100.0000 -2.0000 33d46abe-e040-4f77-94ca-45657489d9cc
2023-11-28 00:32:23 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 835.0 798.0 43.0 0 3,241 4965.0 19.3900 11,727 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL {"chn_1": 835.0, "chn_2": 798.0, "chn_3": 43.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 3241.0, "chn_6": 4965.0, "chn_7": 11727.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.199999809265137, "rssi": -100, "time": "2023-11-28T00:32:23.515330+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "DdDO7Q==", "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 11575, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385166761.515s"}] -100.0000 -6.2000 68d4d52e-cf5c-44cc-bb2b-62e588c5f426
2023-11-28 00:25:43 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 47.0 0 62 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,131 0.0 10,131 0.0 12800.0 245 510.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 62.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 0.0, "chn_8": 0.0, "chn_9": 10131.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10131.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12800.0, "chn_14": 245.0, "chn_15": 510.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -3.0, "rssi": -100, "time": "2023-11-28T00:25:43.605575+00:00", "channel": 1, "context": "9fqVTQ==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 27569, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385166361.605s"}] -100.0000 -3.0000 c86a0f21-fe98-4a4f-be27-6722b1b629fe
2023-11-28 00:15:42 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 721.0 743.0 47.0 1 135 1221.0 4.7700 25,930 609.0 10,092 0.0 10,092 0.0 12288.0 248 392.0 {"chn_1": 721.0, "chn_2": 743.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 135.0, "chn_6": 1221.0, "chn_7": 25930.0, "chn_8": 609.0, "chn_9": 10092.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10092.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 248.0, "chn_15": 392.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": 1.7999999523162842, "rssi": -97, "time": "2023-11-28T00:15:42.409110+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "0iTPbw==", "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 61227, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385165760.409s"}] -97.0000 1.8000 01eeafe7-afde-40ec-8cc2-eb99929718d3
2023-11-28 00:05:43 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 2110.0 2082.0 46.0 1 257 5803.0 22.6700 53,398 812.0 10,040 0.0 10,040 0.0 12544.0 252 258.0 {"chn_1": 2110.0, "chn_2": 2082.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 257.0, "chn_6": 5803.0, "chn_7": 53398.0, "chn_8": 812.0, "chn_9": 10040.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10040.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 252.0, "chn_15": 258.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -0.5, "rssi": -99, "time": "2023-11-28T00:05:43.655750+00:00", "channel": 2, "context": "rnS5wg==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 14719, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385165161.655s"}] -99.0000 -0.5000 a939cd6b-f2cb-4b03-b58d-899e5a9e7f7b
2023-11-27 23:05:43 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1449.0 1393.0 47.0 1 194 3486.0 13.6200 6,514 750.0 9,648 0.0 9,648 0.0 12032.0 281 650.0 {"chn_1": 1449.0, "chn_2": 1393.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 194.0, "chn_6": 3486.0, "chn_7": 6514.0, "chn_8": 750.0, "chn_9": 9648.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9648.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12032.0, "chn_14": 281.0, "chn_15": 650.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": 1.2000000476837158, "rssi": -99, "time": "2023-11-27T23:05:43.600741+00:00", "context": "WPmpvA==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 2423, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385161561.600s"}] -99.0000 1.2000 e81f2850-0b6f-4d7f-afc6-33e8c247e819
2023-11-27 22:53:33 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 841.0 808.0 43.0 0 3,903 5275.0 20.6100 11,755 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL {"chn_1": 841.0, "chn_2": 808.0, "chn_3": 43.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 3903.0, "chn_6": 5275.0, "chn_7": 11755.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -9.0, "rssi": -103, "time": "2023-11-27T22:53:33.465360+00:00", "context": "LXUvmA==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 23468, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385160831.465s"}] -103.0000 -9.0000 5000eb91-371e-40ff-b6e1-a391b9cc5019
2023-11-27 22:45:42 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1526.0 1550.0 47.0 1 502 3384.0 13.2200 50,671 281.0 9,577 0.0 9,577 0.0 12288.0 286 974.0 {"chn_1": 1526.0, "chn_2": 1550.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 502.0, "chn_6": 3384.0, "chn_7": 50671.0, "chn_8": 281.0, "chn_9": 9577.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9577.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 286.0, "chn_15": 974.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": 2.5, "rssi": -98, "time": "2023-11-27T22:45:42.795705+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "EWg8EQ==", "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 59089, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385160360.795s"}] -98.0000 2.5000 0dde241f-a418-4aa9-89d8-f55a7692eca7
2023-11-27 21:55:45 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1662.0 1656.0 47.0 1 390 4912.0 19.1900 13,276 500.0 9,556 0.0 9,556 0.0 11264.0 288 550.0 {"chn_1": 1662.0, "chn_2": 1656.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 390.0, "chn_6": 4912.0, "chn_7": 13276.0, "chn_8": 500.0, "chn_9": 9556.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9556.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 11264.0, "chn_14": 288.0, "chn_15": 550.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": 0.5, "rssi": -98, "time": "2023-11-27T21:55:45.206630+00:00", "channel": 2, "context": "1UKq0A==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 48253, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385157363.206s"}] -98.0000 0.5000 e3179e31-b5bb-4a6a-96c6-9686459db4d7
2023-11-27 21:15:44 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1647.0 1636.0 47.0 1 538 6792.0 26.5300 5,581 906.0 9,579 0.0 9,579 0.0 11776.0 286 825.0 {"chn_1": 1647.0, "chn_2": 1636.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 538.0, "chn_6": 6792.0, "chn_7": 5581.0, "chn_8": 906.0, "chn_9": 9579.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9579.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 11776.0, "chn_14": 286.0, "chn_15": 825.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": 3.5, "rssi": -95, "time": "2023-11-27T21:15:44.520104+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "Rit4Pg==", "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 798, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385154962.520s"}] -95.0000 3.5000 fcbaaae4-a6db-4afb-904e-cdabeaeafe9e
2023-11-27 21:13:35 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 773.0 737.0 43.0 0 2,808 5039.0 19.6800 10,936 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL {"chn_1": 773.0, "chn_2": 737.0, "chn_3": 43.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 2808.0, "chn_6": 5039.0, "chn_7": 10936.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.0, "rssi": -101, "time": "2023-11-27T21:13:35.122762+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "PnUHIw==", "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 28350, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385154833.122s"}] -101.0000 -6.0000 67fe7e26-e62e-403a-8974-42b37684ac34
2023-11-27 21:05:42 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1569.0 1527.0 47.0 1 388 5614.0 21.9300 44,224 718.0 9,582 0.0 9,582 0.0 11264.0 286 600.0 {"chn_1": 1569.0, "chn_2": 1527.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 388.0, "chn_6": 5614.0, "chn_7": 44224.0, "chn_8": 718.0, "chn_9": 9582.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9582.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 11264.0, "chn_14": 286.0, "chn_15": 600.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": 4.199999809265137, "rssi": -95, "time": "2023-11-27T21:05:42.160514+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "IkQFQg==", "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 51395, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385154360.160s"}] -95.0000 4.2000 e95ea83a-6fe8-4a05-b67b-1156dec53086
2023-11-27 20:55:43 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1601.0 1633.0 47.0 1 972 7370.0 28.7900 4,864 281.0 9,586 0.0 9,586 0.0 11776.0 286 299.0 {"chn_1": 1601.0, "chn_2": 1633.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 972.0, "chn_6": 7370.0, "chn_7": 4864.0, "chn_8": 281.0, "chn_9": 9586.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9586.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 11776.0, "chn_14": 286.0, "chn_15": 299.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": 3.200000047683716, "rssi": -98, "time": "2023-11-27T20:55:43.293070+00:00", "channel": 7, "context": "/pI0bQ==", "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 52195, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385153761.293s"}] -98.0000 3.2000 a8da8310-c85b-4309-9c32-133ca25f86bd
2023-11-27 20:53:33 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1011.0 969.0 43.0 0 4,036 5313.0 20.7500 14,284 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL {"chn_1": 1011.0, "chn_2": 969.0, "chn_3": 43.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 4036.0, "chn_6": 5313.0, "chn_7": 14284.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -10.199999809265137, "rssi": -102, "time": "2023-11-27T20:53:33.235700+00:00", "channel": 2, "context": "9tGsTw==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 48007, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385153631.235s"}] -102.0000 -10.2000 7bba508c-f816-4143-a1eb-0fce71007ae2
2023-11-27 20:45:44 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1626.0 1626.0 47.0 1 558 6845.0 26.7400 2,149 31.0 9,591 0.0 9,591 0.0 11520.0 285 925.0 {"chn_1": 1626.0, "chn_2": 1626.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 558.0, "chn_6": 6845.0, "chn_7": 2149.0, "chn_8": 31.0, "chn_9": 9591.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9591.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 11520.0, "chn_14": 285.0, "chn_15": 925.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": 1.0, "rssi": -99, "time": "2023-11-27T20:45:44.465445+00:00", "channel": 7, "context": "2uDRrA==", "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 10143, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385153162.465s"}] -99.0000 1.0000 1152ab75-0976-4c8f-8826-c67d5903d98e
2023-11-27 20:33:35 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 902.0 862.0 43.0 0 2,524 5120.0 20.0000 12,604 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL {"chn_1": 902.0, "chn_2": 862.0, "chn_3": 43.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 2524.0, "chn_6": 5120.0, "chn_7": 12604.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.0, "rssi": -102, "time": "2023-11-27T20:33:35.702457+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "r3CrRQ==", "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 48458, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385152433.702s"}] -102.0000 -6.0000 4da94706-8731-4cd1-937f-28bebfeb52a7
2023-11-27 20:25:46 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1546.0 1583.0 47.0 1 620 6944.0 27.1300 56,310 500.0 9,599 0.0 9,599 0.0 11008.0 285 250.0 {"chn_1": 1546.0, "chn_2": 1583.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 620.0, "chn_6": 6944.0, "chn_7": 56310.0, "chn_8": 500.0, "chn_9": 9599.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9599.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 11008.0, "chn_14": 285.0, "chn_15": 250.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -0.20000000298023224, "rssi": -101, "time": "2023-11-27T20:25:46.249049+00:00", "context": "k3U5cw==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 188.0, "latitude": 39.14539, "longitude": 20.99521}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 41521, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1385151964.249s"}] -101.0000 -0.2000 029d5fd9-ba3a-45fd-976e-86314c4cdbb3