Uc502 Geolux

Time Device Name Display Name Description Profile Name Application Gateway Instantaneous Speed Averaged Speed Tilt Angle Flow Direction Relative Signal Instantaneous Snr256 Instantaneous Snr Calculated Water Discharge Integer Calculated Water Discharge Decimal Distance To Water Surface Integer Distance To Water Surface Decimal Measured Water Level Integer Measured Water Level Decimal Level Sensor Snr Cross Section Area Integer Cross Section Area Decimal Payload Object Rx Info Lora Rssi Lora Snr Deduplication Id
2024-12-15 18:39:46 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1639.0 1700.0 47.0 1 624 6854.0 26.7700 14,050 62.0 9,652 0.0 9,651 0.0 12544.0 281 349.0 {"chn_1": 1639.0, "chn_2": 1700.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 624.0, "chn_6": 6854.0, "chn_7": 14050.0, "chn_8": 62.0, "chn_9": 9652.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9651.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 281.0, "chn_15": 349.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": 4.800000190734863, "rssi": -110, "time": "2024-12-15T18:39:46.920882+00:00", "channel": 6, "context": "AgeV1g==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 49788, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418323204.920s"}] -110.0000 4.8000 e1da33c3-4487-49e6-8a84-e8b3a6817c51
2024-12-15 18:29:48 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1585.0 1605.0 47.0 1 373 6311.0 24.6500 54,406 312.0 9,666 0.0 9,666 0.0 12544.0 280 300.0 {"chn_1": 1585.0, "chn_2": 1605.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 373.0, "chn_6": 6311.0, "chn_7": 54406.0, "chn_8": 312.0, "chn_9": 9666.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9666.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 280.0, "chn_15": 300.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -7.800000190734863, "rssi": -101, "time": "2024-12-15T18:29:48.046385+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "QP2Ahw==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 5593, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418322606.046s"}] -101.0000 -7.8000 b33797d9-f4b4-4235-bac7-9d750d76b4cb
2024-12-15 18:19:47 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1556.0 1563.0 46.0 1 545 6895.0 26.9300 43,740 468.0 9,679 0.0 9,679 0.0 12288.0 279 325.0 {"chn_1": 1556.0, "chn_2": 1563.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 545.0, "chn_6": 6895.0, "chn_7": 43740.0, "chn_8": 468.0, "chn_9": 9679.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9679.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 279.0, "chn_15": 325.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -8.199999809265137, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-12-15T18:19:47.388067+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "HTFp1g==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 18709, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418322005.388s"}] -103.0000 -8.2000 aba06819-26bd-4788-8467-aa1746652593
2024-12-15 17:49:50 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1408.0 1424.0 47.0 1 702 7202.0 28.1300 7,095 562.0 9,718 0.0 9,718 0.0 12288.0 276 399.0 {"chn_1": 1408.0, "chn_2": 1424.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 702.0, "chn_6": 7202.0, "chn_7": 7095.0, "chn_8": 562.0, "chn_9": 9718.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9718.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 276.0, "chn_15": 399.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -8.5, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-12-15T17:49:50.996484+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "GslA7Q==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 47371, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418320208.996s"}] -103.0000 -8.5000 8115ddf7-f5b6-4964-ba23-587869feb82f
2024-12-15 17:19:47 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1137.0 1114.0 46.0 1 275 5856.0 22.8800 60,786 109.0 9,777 0.0 9,777 0.0 12288.0 271 975.0 {"chn_1": 1137.0, "chn_2": 1114.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 275.0, "chn_6": 5856.0, "chn_7": 60786.0, "chn_8": 109.0, "chn_9": 9777.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9777.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 271.0, "chn_15": 975.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -7.5, "rssi": -101, "time": "2024-12-15T17:19:47.202568+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "YyC/mw==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 27934, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418318405.202s"}] -101.0000 -7.5000 7cdcec21-64cc-4837-958f-4eb409e09731
2024-12-15 17:09:50 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 993.0 975.0 46.0 1 210 5642.0 22.0400 26,734 468.0 9,815 0.0 9,815 0.0 12288.0 269 125.0 {"chn_1": 993.0, "chn_2": 975.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 210.0, "chn_6": 5642.0, "chn_7": 26734.0, "chn_8": 468.0, "chn_9": 9815.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9815.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 269.0, "chn_15": 125.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -8.800000190734863, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-12-15T17:09:50.164259+00:00", "channel": 6, "context": "P4rWTA==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 36511, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418317808.164s"}] -102.0000 -8.8000 6daefdd7-7a96-4cb2-b729-31c0460ef4e2
2024-12-15 16:59:47 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 818.0 813.0 47.0 1 120 5108.0 19.9500 52,138 703.0 9,868 0.0 9,868 0.0 12544.0 265 149.0 {"chn_1": 818.0, "chn_2": 813.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 120.0, "chn_6": 5108.0, "chn_7": 52138.0, "chn_8": 703.0, "chn_9": 9868.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9868.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 265.0, "chn_15": 149.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.5, "rssi": -101, "time": "2024-12-15T16:59:47.235391+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "G5lu6g==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 20947, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418317205.235s"}] -101.0000 -6.5000 60bbada7-f57a-4d32-8128-946f0ebdf5e1
2024-12-15 16:49:55 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 661.0 651.0 47.0 1 82 4552.0 17.7800 13,640 500.0 9,924 0.0 9,924 0.0 12544.0 260 949.0 {"chn_1": 661.0, "chn_2": 651.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 82.0, "chn_6": 4552.0, "chn_7": 13640.0, "chn_8": 500.0, "chn_9": 9924.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9924.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 260.0, "chn_15": 949.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -7.5, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-12-15T16:49:55.252157+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "gOiMcA==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 15601, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418316613.252s"}] -103.0000 -7.5000 c7388fff-e070-4d4b-8a9f-719883bf89c6
2024-12-15 16:49:50 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 661.0 651.0 47.0 1 82 4552.0 17.7800 13,640 500.0 9,924 0.0 9,924 0.0 12544.0 260 949.0 {"chn_1": 661.0, "chn_2": 651.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 82.0, "chn_6": 4552.0, "chn_7": 13640.0, "chn_8": 500.0, "chn_9": 9924.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 9924.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 260.0, "chn_15": 949.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.5, "rssi": -101, "time": "2024-12-15T16:49:50.289226+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "gJzR/Q==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 15124, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418316608.289s"}] -101.0000 -6.5000 90793094-7cb2-474a-8ebd-e037dadde091
2024-12-15 16:29:47 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 56.0 46.0 0 61 0.0 0.0000 12,080 616.0 10,019 0.0 10,019 0.0 12288.0 253 826.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 56.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 61.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 12080.0, "chn_8": 616.0, "chn_9": 10019.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10019.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 253.0, "chn_15": 826.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -8.0, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-12-15T16:29:47.194738+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "OObrvA==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 6506, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418315405.194s"}] -103.0000 -8.0000 dde987b9-4d01-4535-abb9-fa7337612780
2024-12-15 16:19:50 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,056 0.0 10,056 0.0 12288.0 251 65.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 0.0, "chn_8": 0.0, "chn_9": 10056.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10056.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 251.0, "chn_15": 65.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -7.0, "rssi": -101, "time": "2024-12-15T16:19:50.201432+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "FVKJvQ==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 42232, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418314808.201s"}] -101.0000 -7.0000 924cb2d6-19d1-412d-8982-17a1f0855972
2024-12-15 15:59:48 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 65 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,079 0.0 10,079 0.0 11776.0 249 356.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 65.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 0.0, "chn_8": 0.0, "chn_9": 10079.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10079.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 11776.0, "chn_14": 249.0, "chn_15": 356.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -7.199999809265137, "rssi": -101, "time": "2024-12-15T15:59:48.233227+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "k3Kjhw==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 30957, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418313606.233s"}] -101.0000 -7.2000 b3d747e9-b1a7-4df1-b58d-e834b458dbe3
2024-12-15 15:49:48 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,078 0.0 10,078 0.0 12032.0 249 430.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 0.0, "chn_8": 0.0, "chn_9": 10078.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10078.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12032.0, "chn_14": 249.0, "chn_15": 430.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.5, "rssi": -101, "time": "2024-12-15T15:49:48.294369+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "b7BLPA==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 22536, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418313006.294s"}] -101.0000 -6.5000 df0cd654-d5a4-423d-ae07-68970c2f5d0f
2024-12-15 15:29:46 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 2,556 0.0 10,093 0.0 10,093 0.0 12032.0 248 318.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 2556.0, "chn_8": 0.0, "chn_9": 10093.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10093.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12032.0, "chn_14": 248.0, "chn_15": 318.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.800000190734863, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-12-15T15:29:46.984162+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "KBXA+w==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 54478, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418311804.984s"}] -102.0000 -6.8000 155e5e6b-b2be-47a5-9ba9-b8963f405a62
2024-12-15 15:19:46 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 118 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,105 0.0 10,105 0.0 12032.0 247 430.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 118.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 0.0, "chn_8": 0.0, "chn_9": 10105.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10105.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12032.0, "chn_14": 247.0, "chn_15": 430.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.199999809265137, "rssi": -101, "time": "2024-12-15T15:19:46.999079+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "BFKbzQ==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 21403, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418311204.999s"}] -101.0000 -6.2000 ddc5807a-2e76-45b0-a39d-9a3b7a22e938
2024-12-15 15:09:46 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 47.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,116 0.0 10,116 0.0 11776.0 246 617.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 0.0, "chn_8": 0.0, "chn_9": 10116.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10116.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 11776.0, "chn_14": 246.0, "chn_15": 617.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -8.199999809265137, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-12-15T15:09:46.273647+00:00", "channel": 6, "context": "4IWICA==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 46662, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418310604.273s"}] -102.0000 -8.2000 b1a7dea2-d76a-4aad-a48d-7ed7e68c3522
2024-12-15 14:59:46 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 83 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,129 0.0 10,129 0.0 12288.0 245 658.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 83.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 0.0, "chn_8": 0.0, "chn_9": 10129.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10129.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 245.0, "chn_15": 658.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.0, "rssi": -101, "time": "2024-12-15T14:59:46.389618+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "vMHZRg==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 39637, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418310004.389s"}] -101.0000 -6.0000 3a257f63-3bdb-47e9-b6aa-62c5a5f5fba9
2024-12-15 14:49:52 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 47.0 0 93 0.0 0.0000 0 247.0 10,143 0.0 10,143 0.0 12032.0 244 627.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 93.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 0.0, "chn_8": 247.0, "chn_9": 10143.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10143.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12032.0, "chn_14": 244.0, "chn_15": 627.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.800000190734863, "rssi": -103, "time": "2024-12-15T14:49:52.579607+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "mV1FhA==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 11045, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418309410.579s"}] -103.0000 -6.8000 ddabd3d0-2444-4ddc-b5eb-405cfac17f8d
2024-12-15 14:49:47 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 47.0 0 93 0.0 0.0000 0 247.0 10,143 0.0 10,143 0.0 12032.0 244 627.0 {"chn_1": 0.0, "chn_2": 0.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 0.0, "chn_5": 93.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 0.0, "chn_8": 247.0, "chn_9": 10143.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10143.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12032.0, "chn_14": 244.0, "chn_15": 627.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.5, "rssi": -101, "time": "2024-12-15T14:49:47.616702+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "mRGLKw==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 14507, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418309405.616s"}] -101.0000 -6.5000 155d41ce-2296-4ee5-a9da-a0b90039c708
2024-12-15 14:19:47 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 574.0 572.0 47.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 53,603 812.0 10,140 0.0 10,140 0.0 12288.0 244 848.0 {"chn_1": 574.0, "chn_2": 572.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 0.0, "chn_6": 0.0, "chn_7": 53603.0, "chn_8": 812.0, "chn_9": 10140.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10140.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 244.0, "chn_15": 848.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -8.5, "rssi": -102, "time": "2024-12-15T14:19:47.509069+00:00", "channel": 6, "context": "LcaAhA==", "location": {"altitude": 115.0, "latitude": 39.14697, "longitude": 20.9954}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 8413, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1418307605.509s"}] -102.0000 -8.5000 800b88b6-ce73-47cf-be97-c3ef84b9d527