Uc502 Geolux

Time Device Name Display Name Description Profile Name Application Gateway Instantaneous Speed Averaged Speed Tilt Angle Flow Direction Relative Signal Instantaneous Snr256 Instantaneous Snr Calculated Water Discharge Integer Calculated Water Discharge Decimal Distance To Water Surface Integer Distance To Water Surface Decimal Measured Water Level Integer Measured Water Level Decimal Level Sensor Snr Cross Section Area Integer Cross Section Area Decimal Payload Object Rx Info Lora Rssi Lora Snr Deduplication Id
2025-02-24 22:53:19 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 696.0 709.0 46.0 1 98 4926.0 19.2400 9,555 671.0 10,262 0.0 10,262 0.0 12544.0 235 943.0 {"chn_1": 696.0, "chn_2": 709.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 98.0, "chn_6": 4926.0, "chn_7": 9555.0, "chn_8": 671.0, "chn_9": 10262.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10262.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 235.0, "chn_15": 943.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -7.800000190734863, "rssi": -103, "time": "2025-02-24T22:53:19.481486+00:00", "channel": 7, "context": "58klsQ==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 51440, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424472817.481s"}] -103.0000 -7.8000 09a8123e-ecbd-403c-a2a2-e4c52b2cd6e6
2025-02-24 22:43:19 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 854.0 859.0 46.0 1 82 4658.0 18.2000 42,777 93.0 10,223 0.0 10,223 0.0 12544.0 238 773.0 {"chn_1": 854.0, "chn_2": 859.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 82.0, "chn_6": 4658.0, "chn_7": 42777.0, "chn_8": 93.0, "chn_9": 10223.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10223.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 238.0, "chn_15": 773.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -8.0, "rssi": -103, "time": "2025-02-24T22:43:19.410197+00:00", "context": "xATFjQ==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 50801, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424472217.410s"}] -103.0000 -8.0000 dd51ae8c-bf13-4ecf-b112-ac145ce62e1e
2025-02-24 22:33:19 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 981.0 974.0 47.0 1 723 6961.0 27.1900 3,817 234.0 10,178 0.0 10,178 0.0 12288.0 242 58.0 {"chn_1": 981.0, "chn_2": 974.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 723.0, "chn_6": 6961.0, "chn_7": 3817.0, "chn_8": 234.0, "chn_9": 10178.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10178.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 242.0, "chn_15": 58.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -5.5, "rssi": -101, "time": "2025-02-24T22:33:19.404621+00:00", "channel": 6, "context": "oEFj7w==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 63592, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424471617.404s"}] -101.0000 -5.5000 b16eb487-ae9f-41bc-9979-6ee3a0e59cb0
2025-02-24 22:23:18 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1135.0 1107.0 46.0 1 302 6001.0 23.4400 34,409 359.0 10,128 0.0 10,128 0.0 12544.0 245 731.0 {"chn_1": 1135.0, "chn_2": 1107.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 302.0, "chn_6": 6001.0, "chn_7": 34409.0, "chn_8": 359.0, "chn_9": 10128.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10128.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 245.0, "chn_15": 731.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -2.5, "rssi": -99, "time": "2025-02-24T22:23:18.784120+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "fHSjrA==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 63364, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424471016.784s"}] -99.0000 -2.5000 5f68b47c-2366-47ac-9113-4a8a9e9d47f3
2025-02-24 22:13:19 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1110.0 1131.0 46.0 1 535 6988.0 27.3000 42,666 875.0 10,084 0.0 10,084 0.0 12544.0 248 985.0 {"chn_1": 1110.0, "chn_2": 1131.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 535.0, "chn_6": 6988.0, "chn_7": 42666.0, "chn_8": 875.0, "chn_9": 10084.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10084.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 248.0, "chn_15": 985.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -8.5, "rssi": -103, "time": "2025-02-24T22:13:19.337490+00:00", "channel": 7, "context": "WLnfUQ==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 60626, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424470417.337s"}] -103.0000 -8.5000 90e2059b-a836-44d5-9647-09faf09a07d9
2025-02-24 22:03:19 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1246.0 1242.0 46.0 1 662 7102.0 27.7400 3,356 843.0 10,050 0.0 10,050 0.0 12032.0 251 512.0 {"chn_1": 1246.0, "chn_2": 1242.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 662.0, "chn_6": 7102.0, "chn_7": 3356.0, "chn_8": 843.0, "chn_9": 10050.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10050.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12032.0, "chn_14": 251.0, "chn_15": 512.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -5.5, "rssi": -101, "time": "2025-02-24T22:03:19.323912+00:00", "channel": 6, "context": "NPZQyQ==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 16442, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424469817.323s"}] -101.0000 -5.5000 adb7b399-e4e5-4fe5-8d3a-24d43a3b5d80
2025-02-24 21:53:21 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1283.0 1279.0 46.0 1 488 6664.0 26.0300 13,279 812.0 10,027 0.0 10,027 0.0 12544.0 253 228.0 {"chn_1": 1283.0, "chn_2": 1279.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 488.0, "chn_6": 6664.0, "chn_7": 13279.0, "chn_8": 812.0, "chn_9": 10027.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10027.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 253.0, "chn_15": 228.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -5.199999809265137, "rssi": -101, "time": "2025-02-24T21:53:21.763804+00:00", "channel": 2, "context": "EVg/1w==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 3757, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424469219.763s"}] -101.0000 -5.2000 8c3a5d31-36aa-4293-a950-c3b5057ca589
2025-02-24 21:43:19 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1275.0 1319.0 46.0 1 931 7467.0 29.1700 23,188 968.0 10,021 0.0 10,021 0.0 12288.0 253 677.0 {"chn_1": 1275.0, "chn_2": 1319.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 931.0, "chn_6": 7467.0, "chn_7": 23188.0, "chn_8": 968.0, "chn_9": 10021.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10021.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 253.0, "chn_15": 677.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -9.0, "rssi": -103, "time": "2025-02-24T21:43:19.281675+00:00", "context": "7W8gyA==", "rfChain": 1, "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 28145, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424468617.281s"}] -103.0000 -9.0000 9fc06f61-5b8e-43cd-a318-50757e2e4b1a
2025-02-24 21:33:21 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1348.0 1339.0 46.0 1 501 6769.0 26.4400 26,383 218.0 10,026 0.0 10,026 0.0 12544.0 253 303.0 {"chn_1": 1348.0, "chn_2": 1339.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 501.0, "chn_6": 6769.0, "chn_7": 26383.0, "chn_8": 218.0, "chn_9": 10026.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10026.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 253.0, "chn_15": 303.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.5, "rssi": -101, "time": "2025-02-24T21:33:21.078846+00:00", "channel": 6, "context": "ycc/DQ==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 16639, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424468019.078s"}] -101.0000 -6.5000 5d9f90fb-079e-42c5-b035-990456b18102
2025-02-24 21:23:22 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1237.0 1238.0 46.0 1 713 7029.0 27.4600 3,733 437.0 10,039 0.0 10,039 0.0 12544.0 252 332.0 {"chn_1": 1237.0, "chn_2": 1238.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 713.0, "chn_6": 7029.0, "chn_7": 3733.0, "chn_8": 437.0, "chn_9": 10039.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10039.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 252.0, "chn_15": 332.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.5, "rssi": -101, "time": "2025-02-24T21:23:22.348300+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "phdT6g==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 6445, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424467420.348s"}] -101.0000 -6.5000 248a4bf7-190a-4ab4-b444-c59a8b764c6a
2025-02-24 21:03:18 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1152.0 1176.0 47.0 1 223 5862.0 22.9000 53,421 203.0 10,074 0.0 10,074 0.0 12288.0 249 727.0 {"chn_1": 1152.0, "chn_2": 1176.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 223.0, "chn_6": 5862.0, "chn_7": 53421.0, "chn_8": 203.0, "chn_9": 10074.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10074.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 249.0, "chn_15": 727.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.199999809265137, "rssi": -101, "time": "2025-02-24T21:03:18.001641+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "Xk5rsw==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 21674, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424466216.001s"}] -101.0000 -6.2000 35a3c0fd-fb7d-4fdb-80e1-df172595be1f
2025-02-24 20:53:21 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1151.0 1125.0 47.0 1 176 5453.0 21.3000 41,284 734.0 10,085 0.0 10,085 0.0 12544.0 248 911.0 {"chn_1": 1151.0, "chn_2": 1125.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 176.0, "chn_6": 5453.0, "chn_7": 41284.0, "chn_8": 734.0, "chn_9": 10085.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10085.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 248.0, "chn_15": 911.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.199999809265137, "rssi": -101, "time": "2025-02-24T20:53:21.133700+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "Orsg6Q==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 62135, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424465619.133s"}] -101.0000 -6.2000 82cc4cf6-37e2-4eb0-a329-e55868c21998
2025-02-24 20:33:22 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1218.0 1190.0 46.0 1 326 6160.0 24.0600 54,120 359.0 10,094 0.0 10,094 0.0 12288.0 248 244.0 {"chn_1": 1218.0, "chn_2": 1190.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 326.0, "chn_6": 6160.0, "chn_7": 54120.0, "chn_8": 359.0, "chn_9": 10094.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10094.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 248.0, "chn_15": 244.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -7.5, "rssi": -103, "time": "2025-02-24T20:33:22.922541+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "80/jbA==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 24577, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424464420.922s"}] -103.0000 -7.5000 612ef912-be91-4917-bfc3-bf5e74e55c3e
2025-02-24 20:23:21 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1119.0 1151.0 47.0 1 198 5809.0 22.6900 46,896 921.0 10,094 0.0 10,094 0.0 12032.0 248 244.0 {"chn_1": 1119.0, "chn_2": 1151.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 198.0, "chn_6": 5809.0, "chn_7": 46896.0, "chn_8": 921.0, "chn_9": 10094.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10094.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12032.0, "chn_14": 248.0, "chn_15": 244.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -5.800000190734863, "rssi": -101, "time": "2025-02-24T20:23:21.636872+00:00", "channel": 4, "context": "z3kCCw==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 4316, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424463819.636s"}] -101.0000 -5.8000 684cd835-ad38-437e-b6cb-c05b0ac0500f
2025-02-24 20:13:25 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1136.0 1125.0 47.0 1 227 5767.0 22.5300 40,654 875.0 10,095 0.0 10,095 0.0 12544.0 248 170.0 {"chn_1": 1136.0, "chn_2": 1125.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 227.0, "chn_6": 5767.0, "chn_7": 40654.0, "chn_8": 875.0, "chn_9": 10095.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10095.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 248.0, "chn_15": 170.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -8.5, "rssi": -102, "time": "2025-02-24T20:13:25.303052+00:00", "channel": 6, "context": "q+2aIg==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 40707, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424463223.303s"}] -102.0000 -8.5000 fcf62ece-5b98-41bf-a6f6-a69f92a0c662
2025-02-24 20:03:17 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1056.0 1085.0 46.0 1 220 5839.0 22.8100 32,726 218.0 10,094 0.0 10,094 0.0 12288.0 248 244.0 {"chn_1": 1056.0, "chn_2": 1085.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 220.0, "chn_6": 5839.0, "chn_7": 32726.0, "chn_8": 218.0, "chn_9": 10094.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10094.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12288.0, "chn_14": 248.0, "chn_15": 244.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.0, "rssi": -101, "time": "2025-02-24T20:03:17.902688+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "h7l/UA==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 18920, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424462615.902s"}] -101.0000 -6.0000 768f8dc9-3b88-4a59-9342-c8afb3a10c99
2025-02-24 19:53:22 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1171.0 1157.0 46.0 1 185 5642.0 22.0400 47,604 203.0 10,097 0.0 10,097 0.0 12544.0 248 22.0 {"chn_1": 1171.0, "chn_2": 1157.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 185.0, "chn_6": 5642.0, "chn_7": 47604.0, "chn_8": 203.0, "chn_9": 10097.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10097.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 248.0, "chn_15": 22.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.800000190734863, "rssi": -101, "time": "2025-02-24T19:53:22.249328+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "ZDiZCQ==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 6874, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424462020.249s"}] -101.0000 -6.8000 d07d4331-6190-4d98-8658-0c8740d64d32
2025-02-24 19:33:20 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1173.0 1136.0 47.0 1 403 6457.0 25.2200 42,336 609.0 10,099 0.0 10,099 0.0 12544.0 247 874.0 {"chn_1": 1173.0, "chn_2": 1136.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 403.0, "chn_6": 6457.0, "chn_7": 42336.0, "chn_8": 609.0, "chn_9": 10099.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10099.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 247.0, "chn_15": 874.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -7.199999809265137, "rssi": -103, "time": "2025-02-24T19:33:20.327920+00:00", "channel": 3, "context": "HJSvhg==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 15206, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424460818.327s"}] -103.0000 -7.2000 5a4cac8c-ab78-41de-9633-7ed1b8436186
2025-02-24 19:23:20 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1112.0 1090.0 47.0 1 182 5635.0 22.0100 33,006 765.0 10,097 0.0 10,097 0.0 12544.0 248 22.0 {"chn_1": 1112.0, "chn_2": 1090.0, "chn_3": 47.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 182.0, "chn_6": 5635.0, "chn_7": 33006.0, "chn_8": 765.0, "chn_9": 10097.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10097.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 248.0, "chn_15": 22.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.199999809265137, "rssi": -101, "time": "2025-02-24T19:23:20.956367+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "+Nrsng==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 30763, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424460218.956s"}] -101.0000 -6.2000 560bac84-93be-4256-84c7-f2f2381b97b1
2025-02-24 19:03:20 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1270.0 1215.0 46.0 1 193 4349.0 16.9900 59,005 734.0 10,094 0.0 10,094 0.0 12544.0 248 170.0 {"chn_1": 1270.0, "chn_2": 1215.0, "chn_3": 46.0, "chn_4": 1.0, "chn_5": 193.0, "chn_6": 4349.0, "chn_7": 59005.0, "chn_8": 734.0, "chn_9": 10094.0, "chn_10": 0.0, "chn_11": 10094.0, "chn_12": 0.0, "chn_13": 12544.0, "chn_14": 248.0, "chn_15": 170.0, "gpio_1": "low", "gpio_2": "low"} [{"snr": -6.5, "rssi": -101, "time": "2025-02-24T19:03:20.833557+00:00", "channel": 5, "context": "sVKCRA==", "location": {"altitude": 263.0, "latitude": 39.14535, "longitude": 20.99485}, "metadata": {"region_config_id": "eu868", "region_common_name": "EU868"}, "uplinkId": 16751, "crcStatus": "CRC_OK", "gatewayId": "24e124fffef6dd1a", "timeSinceGpsEpoch": "1424459018.833s"}] -101.0000 -6.5000 008767b2-9d79-4217-80d9-3f1b088e2ce5