Water level

Id Time Sn Device Name Water Level M Sensor Depth Battery Volt Jsn
196352 2025-01-24 10:51:13+00 101124026 Kokkinosmylos NULL NULL 4.8B3 {"data": [{"$ts": 250124115405, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124115405, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"WL": 4.36, "$ts": 250124120000, "WLC": 0.12, "AVGVi": 3.97}, {"$ts": 250124120222, "$msg": "WDT;APN_LOGIN"}, {"$ts": 250124120222, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124120232, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124120232, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124120504, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124120504, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124120745, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124120745, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"WL": 4.36, "$ts": 250124121000, "WLC": 0.12, "AVGVi": 3.96}, {"$ts": 250124121303, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124121303, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124121421, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: FTP open channel timeout"}, {"$ts": 250124121421, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"WL": 4.35, "$ts": 250124122000, "WLC": 0.13, "AVGVi": 3.99}, {"$ts": 250124122225, "$msg": "WDT;APN_LOGIN"}, {"$ts": 250124122225, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124122323, "$msg": "ERR;FILE_OPEN;+CME ERROR: FTP open channel timeout"}, {"$ts": 250124122323, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"WL": 4.36, "$ts": 250124123000, "WLC": 0.12, "AVGVi": 4.05}, {"$ts": 250124123225, "$msg": "WDT;APN_LOGIN"}, {"$ts": 250124123225, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124123327, "$msg": "ERR;FILE_OPEN;+CME ERROR: FTP open channel timeout"}, {"$ts": 250124123327, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"WL": 4.36, "$ts": 250124124000, "WLC": 0.12, "AVGVi": 4.07}, {"$ts": 250124124330, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124124330, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124124611, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124124611, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"WL": 4.34, "$ts": 250124125000, "WLC": 0.14, "AVGVi": 4.01}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 101124026, "sim": 89882280666074845615, "imei": 356531111240267, "name": "Kokkinosmylos"}, "channels": [{"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {}]}
196350 2025-01-24 10:45:12+00 101124497 Kifisos 0.1 14.2 4.8B14 {"data": [{"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.2, "$ts": 250124115000, "WLC": 0.1, "AVGVi": 3.25, "MINVi": 3.17}, {"$ts": 250124115300, "$msg": "ERR;CHANGE_DIR;+CME ERROR: FTP not connected"}, {"$ts": 250124115300, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124115300, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124115300, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124115400, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124115400, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124115500, "$msg": "WDT;SERVER_LOGIN"}, {"$ts": 250124115500, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124115500, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: wrong state"}, {"$ts": 250124115500, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124115600, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: wrong state"}, {"$ts": 250124115600, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.21, "$ts": 250124120000, "WLC": 0.09, "AVGVi": 3.25, "MINVi": 3.17}, {"$ts": 250124120400, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124120400, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124120600, "$msg": "WDT;TCP_RESPONSE"}, {"$ts": 250124120600, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.22, "$ts": 250124121000, "WLC": 0.08, "AVGVi": 3.25, "MINVi": 3.16}, {"$ts": 250124121200, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: Can not resolve name"}, {"$ts": 250124121200, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124121300, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;ERROR"}, {"$ts": 250124121300, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.2, "$ts": 250124122000, "WLC": 0.1, "AVGVi": 3.25, "MINVi": 3.18}, {"$ts": 250124122400, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124122400, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124122800, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124122800, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.21, "$ts": 250124123000, "WLC": 0.09, "AVGVi": 3.25, "MINVi": 3.17}, {"$ts": 250124123300, "$msg": "DEBUG;Deregistering from the not responding network"}, {"$ts": 250124123400, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124123400, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124123700, "$msg": "DEBUG;Deregistering from the not responding network"}, {"$ts": 250124123800, "$msg": "WDT;APN_LOGIN"}, {"$ts": 250124123800, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.22, "$ts": 250124124000, "WLC": 0.08, "AVGVi": 3.25, "MINVi": 3.17}, {"$ts": 250124124400, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124124400, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B14", "sn": 101124497, "sim": 89882280666074845581, "imei": 356531111244970, "name": "Kifisos"}, "channels": [{"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "MINVi", "name": "Min voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "SP", "name": "SENSORPOWER", "unit": "V"}, {}]}
196348 2025-01-24 09:51:23+00 101124026 Kokkinosmylos 0.12 4.36 4.8B3 {"data": [{"WL": 4.36, "$ts": 250124110000, "WLC": 0.12, "AVGVi": 3.46}, {"$ts": 250124110300, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124110300, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124110310, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124110310, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124110542, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124110542, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124110552, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124110552, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124110824, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124110824, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"WL": 4.36, "$ts": 250124111000, "WLC": 0.12, "AVGVi": 4}, {"$ts": 250124111105, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124111105, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124111350, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124111350, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"WL": 4.36, "$ts": 250124112000, "WLC": 0.12, "AVGVi": 3.99}, {"$ts": 250124112341, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124112341, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124112622, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124112622, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"WL": 4.34, "$ts": 250124113000, "WLC": 0.14, "AVGVi": 4.06}, {"$ts": 250124113332, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124113332, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124113613, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124113613, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"WL": 4.36, "$ts": 250124114000, "WLC": 0.12, "AVGVi": 4.05}, {"$ts": 250124114318, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124114318, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124114601, "$msg": "WDT;APN_LOGIN"}, {"$ts": 250124114601, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"WL": 4.36, "$ts": 250124115000, "WLC": 0.12, "AVGVi": 3.99}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 101124026, "sim": 89882280666074845615, "imei": 356531111240267, "name": "Kokkinosmylos"}, "channels": [{"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {}]}
196347 2025-01-24 09:47:52+00 101124497 Kifisos 0.08 14.22 4.8B14 {"data": [{"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.22, "$ts": 250124114000, "WLC": 0.08, "AVGVi": 3.26, "MINVi": 3.19}, {"$ts": 250124114300, "$msg": "ERR;FILE_OPEN;+CME ERROR: FTP open channel timeout"}, {"$ts": 250124114300, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124114300, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124114300, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124114500, "$msg": "WDT;APN_LOGIN"}, {"$ts": 250124114500, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124114600, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124114600, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B14", "sn": 101124497, "sim": 89882280666074845581, "imei": 356531111244970, "name": "Kifisos"}, "channels": [{"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "MINVi", "name": "Min voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "SP", "name": "SENSORPOWER", "unit": "V"}, {}]}
196346 2025-01-24 09:34:02+00 101124497 Kifisos 0.08 14.22 4.8B14 {"data": [{"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.22, "$ts": 250124112000, "WLC": 0.08, "AVGVi": 3.26, "MINVi": 3.18}, {"$ts": 250124112400, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124112400, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124112600, "$msg": "WDT;APN_LOGIN"}, {"$ts": 250124112600, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124112700, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124112700, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124112700, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124112700, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.23, "$ts": 250124113000, "WLC": 0.07, "AVGVi": 3.26, "MINVi": 3.18}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B14", "sn": 101124497, "sim": 89882280666074845581, "imei": 356531111244970, "name": "Kifisos"}, "channels": [{"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "MINVi", "name": "Min voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "SP", "name": "SENSORPOWER", "unit": "V"}, {}]}
196345 2025-01-24 09:15:20+00 101124497 Kifisos 0.08 14.22 4.8B14 {"data": [{"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.22, "$ts": 250124104000, "WLC": 0.08, "AVGVi": 3.28, "MINVi": 3.18}, {"$ts": 250124104200, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: FTP open channel timeout"}, {"$ts": 250124104200, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124104500, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124104500, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124104500, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124104500, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.21, "$ts": 250124105000, "WLC": 0.09, "AVGVi": 3.26, "MINVi": 3.18}, {"$ts": 250124105000, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124105000, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124105200, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: Can not resolve name"}, {"$ts": 250124105200, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.21, "$ts": 250124110000, "WLC": 0.09, "AVGVi": 3.25, "MINVi": 3.19}, {"$ts": 250124110300, "$msg": "ERR;CHANGE_DIR;+CME ERROR: FTP communication timeout"}, {"$ts": 250124110300, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124110700, "$msg": "WDT;SERVER_LOGIN"}, {"$ts": 250124110700, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.21, "$ts": 250124111000, "WLC": 0.09, "AVGVi": 3.27, "MINVi": 3.19}, {"$ts": 250124111400, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124111400, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B14", "sn": 101124497, "sim": 89882280666074845581, "imei": 356531111244970, "name": "Kifisos"}, "channels": [{"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "MINVi", "name": "Min voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "SP", "name": "SENSORPOWER", "unit": "V"}, {}]}
196344 2025-01-24 08:52:35+00 101124026 Kokkinosmylos 0.12 4.36 4.8B3 {"data": [{"WL": 4.36, "$ts": 250124102000, "WLC": 0.12, "AVGVi": 3.35}, {"$ts": 250124102229, "$msg": "WDT;SERVER_LOGIN"}, {"$ts": 250124102229, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124102239, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124102239, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124102426, "$msg": "ERR;TCP_RESPONSE;NO CARRIER"}, {"$ts": 250124102428, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"WL": 4.36, "$ts": 250124103000, "WLC": 0.12, "AVGVi": 3.43}, {"$ts": 250124103330, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124103330, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124103340, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124103340, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124103612, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124103612, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"WL": 4.36, "$ts": 250124104000, "WLC": 0.12, "AVGVi": 3.48}, {"$ts": 250124104217, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: FTP open channel timeout"}, {"$ts": 250124104217, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124104227, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124104227, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124104241, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124104241, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124104513, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124104513, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"WL": 4.36, "$ts": 250124105000, "WLC": 0.12, "AVGVi": 3.42}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 101124026, "sim": 89882280666074845615, "imei": 356531111240267, "name": "Kokkinosmylos"}, "channels": [{"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {}]}
196342 2025-01-24 08:39:51+00 101124497 Kifisos 0.09 14.21 4.8B14 {"data": [{"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.21, "$ts": 250124103000, "WLC": 0.09, "AVGVi": 3.27, "MINVi": 3.21}, {"$ts": 250124103400, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124103400, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124103400, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124103400, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124103400, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124103400, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124103800, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124103800, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124103800, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124103800, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B14", "sn": 101124497, "sim": 89882280666074845581, "imei": 356531111244970, "name": "Kifisos"}, "channels": [{"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "MINVi", "name": "Min voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "SP", "name": "SENSORPOWER", "unit": "V"}, {}]}
196341 2025-01-24 08:21:52+00 101124497 Kifisos 0.1 14.2 4.8B14 {"data": [{"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.2, "$ts": 250124102000, "WLC": 0.1, "AVGVi": 3.25, "MINVi": 3.19}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B14", "sn": 101124497, "sim": 89882280666074845581, "imei": 356531111244970, "name": "Kifisos"}, "channels": [{"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "MINVi", "name": "Min voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "SP", "name": "SENSORPOWER", "unit": "V"}, {}]}
196339 2025-01-24 08:12:59+00 101124026 Kokkinosmylos 0.11 4.37 4.8B3 {"data": [{"WL": 4.37, "$ts": 250124101000, "WLC": 0.11, "AVGVi": 3.31}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 101124026, "sim": 89882280666074845615, "imei": 356531111240267, "name": "Kokkinosmylos"}, "channels": [{"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {}]}
196338 2025-01-24 08:11:50+00 101124497 Kifisos 0.09 14.21 4.8B14 {"data": [{"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.21, "$ts": 250124100000, "WLC": 0.09, "AVGVi": 3.25, "MINVi": 3.19}, {"$ts": 250124100200, "$msg": "WDT;SERVER_LOGIN"}, {"$ts": 250124100200, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124100200, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124100200, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124100300, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124100300, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.19, "$ts": 250124101000, "WLC": 0.11, "AVGVi": 3.27, "MINVi": 3.19}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B14", "sn": 101124497, "sim": 89882280666074845581, "imei": 356531111244970, "name": "Kifisos"}, "channels": [{"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "MINVi", "name": "Min voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "SP", "name": "SENSORPOWER", "unit": "V"}, {}]}
196336 2025-01-24 08:02:54+00 101124026 Kokkinosmylos 0.11 4.37 4.8B3 {"data": [{"WL": 4.37, "$ts": 250124100000, "WLC": 0.11, "AVGVi": 3.32}, {"$ts": 250124100151, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124100157, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: Already connected"}, {"$ts": 250124100157, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 101124026, "sim": 89882280666074845615, "imei": 356531111240267, "name": "Kokkinosmylos"}, "channels": [{"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {}]}
196333 2025-01-24 07:52:30+00 101124497 Kifisos 0.13 14.17 4.8B14 {"data": [{"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.17, "$ts": 250124090000, "WLC": 0.13, "AVGVi": 3.26, "MINVi": 3.18}, {"$ts": 250124090200, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: FTP communication timeout"}, {"$ts": 250124090200, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124090200, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124090200, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124090300, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124090300, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.21, "$ts": 250124091000, "WLC": 0.09, "AVGVi": 3.26, "MINVi": 3.19}, {"$ts": 250124091500, "$msg": "WDT;APN_LOGIN"}, {"$ts": 250124091500, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124091500, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124091500, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124091800, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124091800, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.2, "$ts": 250124092000, "WLC": 0.1, "AVGVi": 3.26, "MINVi": 3.15}, {"$ts": 250124092200, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124092200, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124092400, "$msg": "WDT;TCP_RESPONSE"}, {"$ts": 250124092400, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.21, "$ts": 250124093000, "WLC": 0.09, "AVGVi": 3.25, "MINVi": 3.17}, {"$ts": 250124093400, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124093400, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124093600, "$msg": "WDT;SERVER_LOGIN"}, {"$ts": 250124093600, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.19, "$ts": 250124094000, "WLC": 0.11, "AVGVi": 3.25, "MINVi": 3.15}, {"$ts": 250124094100, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: Can not resolve name"}, {"$ts": 250124094100, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {"$ts": 250124094200, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;ERROR"}, {"$ts": 250124094200, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.19, "$ts": 250124095000, "WLC": 0.11, "AVGVi": 3.24, "MINVi": 3.15}, {"$ts": 250124095100, "$msg": "ERR;SERVER_LOGIN;+CME ERROR: Can not resolve name"}, {"$ts": 250124095100, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview2"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B14", "sn": 101124497, "sim": 89882280666074845581, "imei": 356531111244970, "name": "Kifisos"}, "channels": [{"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "MINVi", "name": "Min voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "SP", "name": "SENSORPOWER", "unit": "V"}, {}]}
196332 2025-01-24 07:52:02+00 101124026 Kokkinosmylos 0.12 4.36 4.8B3 {"data": [{"WL": 4.36, "$ts": 250124095000, "WLC": 0.12, "AVGVi": 3.31}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 101124026, "sim": 89882280666074845615, "imei": 356531111240267, "name": "Kokkinosmylos"}, "channels": [{"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {}]}
196330 2025-01-24 07:42:22+00 101124026 Kokkinosmylos 0.12 4.36 4.8B3 {"data": [{"WL": 4.36, "$ts": 250124094000, "WLC": 0.12, "AVGVi": 3.31}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 101124026, "sim": 89882280666074845615, "imei": 356531111240267, "name": "Kokkinosmylos"}, "channels": [{"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {}]}
196328 2025-01-24 07:38:32+00 101124026 Kokkinosmylos 0.11 4.37 4.8B3 {"data": [{"WL": 4.37, "$ts": 250124093000, "WLC": 0.11, "AVGVi": 3.28}, {"$ts": 250124093330, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124093330, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124093539, "$msg": "WDT;APN_LOGIN"}, {"$ts": 250124093539, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124093549, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124093549, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 101124026, "sim": 89882280666074845615, "imei": 356531111240267, "name": "Kokkinosmylos"}, "channels": [{"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {}]}
196326 2025-01-24 07:25:54+00 101124026 Kokkinosmylos 0.11 4.37 4.8B3 {"data": [{"WL": 4.37, "$ts": 250124091000, "WLC": 0.11, "AVGVi": 3.28}, {"$ts": 250124091332, "$msg": "ERR;FILE_OPEN;+CME ERROR: FTP open channel timeout"}, {"$ts": 250124091332, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124091342, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124091342, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124091422, "$msg": "ERR;FILE_OPEN;+CME ERROR: FTP open channel timeout"}, {"$ts": 250124091422, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {"$ts": 250124091551, "$msg": "ERR;TCP_RESPONSE;NO CARRIER"}, {"$ts": 250124091553, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124091603, "$msg": "WDT;SIM_DETECT"}, {"$ts": 250124091603, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"$ts": 250124091914, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124091914, "$msg": "ERR;MQTT"}, {"WL": 4.36, "$ts": 250124092000, "WLC": 0.12, "AVGVi": 3.28}, {"$ts": 250124092330, "$msg": "ERR;NETWORK_REG;+CGREG: 2,2"}, {"$ts": 250124092330, "$msg": "ERR;Meteoview"}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 101124026, "sim": 89882280666074845615, "imei": 356531111240267, "name": "Kokkinosmylos"}, "channels": [{"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {}]}
196321 2025-01-24 07:01:53+00 101124026 Kokkinosmylos 0.1 4.38 4.8B3 {"data": [{"WL": 4.38, "$ts": 250124090000, "WLC": 0.1, "AVGVi": 3.29}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 101124026, "sim": 89882280666074845615, "imei": 356531111240267, "name": "Kokkinosmylos"}, "channels": [{"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {}]}
196320 2025-01-24 06:51:38+00 101124497 Kifisos 0.1 14.2 4.8B14 {"data": [{"SP": 22.26, "WL": 14.2, "$ts": 250124085000, "WLC": 0.1, "AVGVi": 3.26, "MINVi": 3.19}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B14", "sn": 101124497, "sim": 89882280666074845581, "imei": 356531111244970, "name": "Kifisos"}, "channels": [{"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "MINVi", "name": "Min voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "SP", "name": "SENSORPOWER", "unit": "V"}, {}]}
196319 2025-01-24 06:51:31+00 101124026 Kokkinosmylos 0.11 4.37 4.8B3 {"data": [{"WL": 4.37, "$ts": 250124085000, "WLC": 0.11, "AVGVi": 3.28}, {}], "device": {"v": "4.8B3", "sn": 101124026, "sim": 89882280666074845615, "imei": 356531111240267, "name": "Kokkinosmylos"}, "channels": [{"code": "WL", "name": "Waterlevel", "unit": "m"}, {"code": "AVGVi", "name": "Average voltage", "unit": "V"}, {"code": "WLC", "name": "WLC", "unit": "m"}, {}]}