Actions Time Device Name Display Name Description Profile Name Application Gateway Instantaneous Speed Averaged Speed Tilt Angle Flow Direction Relative Signal Instantaneous Snr256 Instantaneous Snr Calculated Water Discharge Integer Calculated Water Discharge Decimal Distance To Water Surface Integer Distance To Water Surface Decimal Measured Water Level Integer Measured Water Level Decimal Level Sensor Snr Cross Section Area Integer Cross Section Area Decimal Lora Rssi Lora Snr
2023-11-04 04:46:28 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 6449.0 6118.0 47.0 1 441 5002.0 19.5400 36,218 375.0 9,785 0.0 9,785 0.0 8704.0 271 375.0 -102.0000 -3.0000
2023-11-04 04:42:04 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 712.0 679.0 43.0 0 1,643 4495.0 17.5600 11,426 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -103.0000 -8.2000
2023-11-04 04:36:28 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 4882.0 4900.0 46.0 1 101 3149.0 12.3000 18,021 375.0 9,781 0.0 9,781 0.0 10240.0 271 674.0 -101.0000 -1.0000
2023-11-04 04:26:26 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 5762.0 5496.0 47.0 1 331 4552.0 17.7800 6,946 0.0 9,821 0.0 9,821 0.0 10240.0 268 674.0 -99.0000 -1.2000
2023-11-04 04:22:01 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 700.0 667.0 43.0 0 679 3743.0 14.6200 11,206 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -102.0000 -7.2000
2023-11-04 04:16:27 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 3174.0 3272.0 46.0 1 68 1221.0 4.7700 29,698 125.0 9,809 0.0 9,809 0.0 10496.0 269 500.0 -103.0000 -5.8000
2023-11-04 04:06:29 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 4123.0 4488.0 47.0 1 293 4256.0 16.6300 44,239 437.0 9,821 0.0 9,822 0.0 9728.0 268 599.0 -102.0000 -2.2000
2023-11-04 04:02:03 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 590.0 549.0 43.0 0 813 4128.0 16.1300 9,293 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -103.0000 -8.5000
2023-11-04 03:56:28 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 3871.0 4638.0 46.0 1 187 4939.0 19.2900 12,826 875.0 9,805 0.0 9,805 0.0 9984.0 269 875.0 -99.0000 -0.5000
2023-11-04 03:46:28 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 348.0 348.0 47.0 1 87 770.0 3.0100 14,227 187.0 9,815 0.0 9,815 0.0 9728.0 269 125.0 -99.0000 -1.2000
2023-11-04 03:42:01 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 616.0 600.0 43.0 0 571 3622.0 14.1500 10,092 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -101.0000 -8.5000
2023-11-04 03:36:29 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 179.0 180.0 46.0 1 95 1221.0 4.7700 41,458 953.0 9,794 0.0 9,794 0.0 9984.0 270 700.0 -99.0000 -0.8000
2023-11-04 03:26:27 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 145.0 145.0 46.0 1 62 4181.0 16.3300 33,875 566.0 9,792 0.0 9,793 0.0 9984.0 270 774.0 -100.0000 0.8000
2023-11-04 03:22:01 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 752.0 732.0 43.0 0 1,200 4181.0 16.3300 12,297 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -101.0000 -9.8000
2023-11-04 03:16:26 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 436.0 590.0 46.0 1 63 4207.0 16.4300 5,112 500.0 9,795 0.0 9,795 0.0 9728.0 270 549.0 -99.0000 -1.0000
2023-11-04 03:06:30 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 423.0 247.0 46.0 1 184 5683.0 22.2000 59,411 554.0 9,795 0.0 9,795 0.0 10240.0 270 700.0 -101.0000 -0.2000
2023-11-04 03:02:02 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 531.0 498.0 43.0 0 1,184 4101.0 16.0200 8,390 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -103.0000 -9.8000
2023-11-04 02:56:28 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 182.0 183.0 46.0 1 72 770.0 3.0100 42,255 242.0 9,801 0.0 9,802 0.0 10240.0 270 25.0 -99.0000 1.0000
2023-11-04 02:46:31 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 134.0 134.0 46.0 1 80 770.0 3.0100 30,809 375.0 9,802 0.0 9,802 0.0 9728.0 270 175.0 -99.0000 0.2000
2023-11-04 02:42:01 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 582.0 562.0 43.0 0 1,003 3984.0 15.5600 9,507 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -103.0000 -6.8000