Actions Time Device Name Display Name Description Profile Name Application Gateway Instantaneous Speed Averaged Speed Tilt Angle Flow Direction Relative Signal Instantaneous Snr256 Instantaneous Snr Calculated Water Discharge Integer Calculated Water Discharge Decimal Distance To Water Surface Integer Distance To Water Surface Decimal Measured Water Level Integer Measured Water Level Decimal Level Sensor Snr Cross Section Area Integer Cross Section Area Decimal Lora Rssi Lora Snr
2024-06-26 11:21:27 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,101 0.0 10,100 0.0 10240.0 247 800.0 -102.0000 -7.5000
2024-06-26 11:11:24 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta2_Peranthi 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 73 770.0 3.0100 63,502 937.0 10,105 0.0 10,104 0.0 10496.0 247 430.0 -98.0000 5.5000
2024-06-26 11:02:17 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 871.0 842.0 44.0 0 1,658 5120.0 20.0000 12,393 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -104.0000 -12.0000
2024-06-26 11:01:25 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 507.0 301.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 4,047 750.0 10,103 0.0 10,103 0.0 9984.0 247 578.0 -102.0000 -6.8000
2024-06-26 10:51:26 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 212.0 212.0 46.0 1 85 1221.0 4.7700 44,693 929.0 10,105 0.0 10,105 0.0 9472.0 247 430.0 -102.0000 -7.5000
2024-06-26 10:42:16 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 694.0 657.0 43.0 0 1,488 4814.0 18.8000 9,686 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -103.0000 -8.2000
2024-06-26 10:41:24 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 62.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 13,423 583.0 10,095 0.0 10,095 0.0 11008.0 248 170.0 -103.0000 -6.8000
2024-06-26 10:31:24 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta2_Peranthi 0.0 439.0 46.0 0 77 0.0 0.0000 23,771 914.0 10,073 0.0 10,073 0.0 11520.0 249 801.0 -99.0000 5.8000
2024-06-26 10:22:16 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 935.0 892.0 43.0 0 1,206 5027.0 19.6400 13,246 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -102.0000 -10.0000
2024-06-26 10:21:25 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 145.0 906.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 2,380 156.0 10,071 0.0 10,071 0.0 11264.0 249 950.0 -102.0000 -7.2000
2024-06-26 10:11:24 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,065 0.0 10,065 0.0 10240.0 250 396.0 -104.0000 -7.5000
2024-06-26 10:01:25 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,056 0.0 10,056 0.0 9728.0 251 65.0 -103.0000 -8.2000
2024-06-26 09:51:23 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta2_Peranthi 2844.0 2844.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 16,275 187.0 10,061 0.0 10,061 0.0 11008.0 250 693.0 -99.0000 12.2000
2024-06-26 09:51:23 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta2_Peranthi 2844.0 2844.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 16,275 187.0 10,061 0.0 10,061 0.0 11008.0 250 693.0 -99.0000 12.2000
2024-06-26 09:42:15 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 588.0 544.0 43.0 0 1,849 5097.0 19.9100 8,127 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -103.0000 -8.0000
2024-06-26 09:41:23 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta2_Peranthi 0.0 1219.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 50,666 265.0 10,048 0.0 10,048 0.0 10752.0 251 661.0 -98.0000 6.0000
2024-06-26 09:31:24 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta2_Peranthi 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,079 0.0 10,078 0.0 10240.0 249 430.0 -99.0000 4.8000
2024-06-26 09:22:15 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 760.0 722.0 44.0 0 1,848 5394.0 21.0700 10,849 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -104.0000 -10.0000
2024-06-26 09:21:24 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 1482.0 1466.0 46.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 50,042 93.0 10,063 0.0 10,063 0.0 11776.0 250 544.0 -102.0000 -7.2000
2024-06-26 09:11:23 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta2_Peranthi 254.0 590.0 46.0 1 72 3082.0 12.0400 59,491 828.0 10,077 0.0 10,077 0.0 11776.0 249 504.0 -98.0000 2.8000