Actions Time Device Name Display Name Description Profile Name Application Gateway Instantaneous Speed Averaged Speed Tilt Angle Flow Direction Relative Signal Instantaneous Snr256 Instantaneous Snr Calculated Water Discharge Integer Calculated Water Discharge Decimal Distance To Water Surface Integer Distance To Water Surface Decimal Measured Water Level Integer Measured Water Level Decimal Level Sensor Snr Cross Section Area Integer Cross Section Area Decimal Lora Rssi Lora Snr
2023-12-11 18:17:14 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 554.0 564.0 47.0 1 313 6359.0 24.8400 60,950 218.0 9,889 0.0 9,889 0.0 12800.0 263 575.0 -101.0000 -2.8000
2023-12-11 18:13:22 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 761.0 728.0 43.0 0 2,891 5359.0 20.9300 10,322 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -101.0000 -5.0000
2023-12-11 18:07:15 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 444.0 444.0 46.0 1 95 770.0 3.0100 33,038 453.0 9,928 0.0 9,928 0.0 12544.0 260 650.0 -101.0000 -2.0000
2023-12-11 17:57:14 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 9,959 0.0 9,959 0.0 12288.0 258 324.0 -100.0000 0.2000
2023-12-11 17:53:22 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 918.0 888.0 43.0 0 2,266 5002.0 19.5400 12,598 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -102.0000 -3.2000
2023-12-11 17:47:16 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 9,993 0.0 9,993 0.0 12800.0 255 774.0 -98.0000 1.0000
2023-12-11 17:37:15 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,028 0.0 10,028 0.0 12800.0 253 153.0 -100.0000 NULL
2023-12-11 17:33:21 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 813.0 777.0 42.0 0 4,276 5152.0 20.1300 11,014 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -102.0000 -4.5000
2023-12-11 17:27:19 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,031 0.0 10,031 0.0 12544.0 252 929.0 -99.0000 0.2000
2023-12-11 17:27:16 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 46.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,031 0.0 10,031 0.0 12544.0 252 929.0 -101.0000 -1.5000
2023-12-11 17:17:18 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 47.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,028 0.0 10,028 0.0 12288.0 253 153.0 -99.0000 1.0000
2023-12-11 17:17:15 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 47.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,028 0.0 10,028 0.0 12288.0 253 153.0 -97.0000 1.8000
2023-12-11 17:13:20 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 784.0 756.0 43.0 0 2,471 5205.0 20.3300 10,743 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -102.0000 -5.0000
2023-12-11 17:07:15 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 47.0 0 66 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,024 0.0 10,024 0.0 12800.0 253 452.0 -97.0000 1.8000
2023-12-11 16:57:21 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 47.0 0 62 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,020 0.0 10,020 0.0 12288.0 253 751.0 -98.0000 1.2000
2023-12-11 16:53:23 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 814.0 775.0 43.0 0 2,340 5294.0 20.6800 10,972 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -102.0000 -4.0000
2023-12-11 16:47:17 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 47.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,014 0.0 10,014 0.0 12544.0 254 200.0 -100.0000 0.2000
2023-12-11 16:37:15 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 0.0 0.0 47.0 0 0 0.0 0.0000 0 0.0 10,007 0.0 10,007 0.0 12288.0 254 725.0 -98.0000 1.2000
2023-12-11 16:33:23 UC502_2 LOUR1 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 689.0 655.0 43.0 0 2,563 5265.0 20.5700 9,330 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -102.0000 -4.8000
2023-12-11 16:27:18 UC502_6 ARA2 Water level, surface speed UC502_geolux Arta UG67_Arta3_Cafe 38.0 1148.0 47.0 1 0 0.0 0.0000 860 62.0 10,002 0.0 10,002 0.0 12032.0 255 100.0 -101.0000 -2.0000